Docker Group

How do I create a user for docker container?

You can use the below commad inside the dockerfile to create a user for docker container.

RUN groupadd -r groupname && useradd -r -g groupname username
  • groupadd is used to create a group (groupname).
  • useradd is used to create a user (username) and add them to the specified group.
  • The USER instruction sets the default user for the subsequent commands in the Dockerfile.

How do I see users in docker?

Use the following command to inspect the detailed configuration of a running or stopped container:

docker inspect <container_name_or_id>

How To Add User To Docker Group?

Adding the user to the docker group is a common practice adding the user to the docker group allows you to interact with the docker daemon without requiring sudo pervillages. Without adding a user to the Docker group, running Docker commands typically requires superuser privileges. Adding a user to the docker group allows you to run the commands without docker privileges.

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How do I create a user for docker container?...