Dotted Decimal Notation of IPv4 Address

Below represents the dotted decimal notation of IPv4 32-bit address.

How Many Bits are in an IPv4 Address?

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Answer: The number of bits in an IPv4 address is 32 bits (or 4 Bytes).

The IPv4 address are of 32 bits or 4 Bytes. The IPv4 address is represented using dotted decimal format. The 32-bits of IPv4 address is divided into 4 parts of 8-bits as a.b.c.d where a, b, c and d are decimal numbers that can be denoted using 8-bits. These 32-bit represents the number of network as well as number of hosts in the given IPv4 address....

Dotted Decimal Notation of IPv4 Address

Below represents the dotted decimal notation of IPv4 32-bit address....