Do’s in and for the exam

  • Keep calm in the exam hall and never panic as it can cause a huge change in your result, believe exam pressure and atmosphere a real things, and keeping calm and being relaxed is the only way to survive it.
    Try to create the same atmosphere in your home if possible or go and give any test series in any centre to experience the exam pressure beforehand.
  • Try to focus more on the different concepts than doing only questions on a single concept. What if the topic you are practicing too hard is not even asked in the exam, it can be the case so focus more on different concepts and try to understand them.
  • Try to maintain consistency during your preparation. If you are not being consistent then surely you will start to forget the concepts after some days and you have to revise everything all over again whereas you can save that time of yours and give it to pyqs.

JEE Main Exam Experience

I gave JEE two times as I took a drop and prepared but I made some mistakes during my preparation and did not get the chance to secure a seat in a government college.

I will be talking mainly about the mistakes so you can learn from them and not repeat them. I will also be talking about some good points that I followed that helped a lot and lastly, I will talk about how I maintained my mental health after giving all my efforts and still not succeeding.

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Do’s in and for the exam:

Keep calm in the exam hall and never panic as it can cause a huge change in your result, believe exam pressure and atmosphere a real things, and keeping calm and being relaxed is the only way to survive it.Try to create the same atmosphere in your home if possible or go and give any test series in any centre to experience the exam pressure beforehand. Try to focus more on the different concepts than doing only questions on a single concept. What if the topic you are practicing too hard is not even asked in the exam, it can be the case so focus more on different concepts and try to understand them. Try to maintain consistency during your preparation. If you are not being consistent then surely you will start to forget the concepts after some days and you have to revise everything all over again whereas you can save that time of yours and give it to pyqs....

Don’t in/ during the exam :

Now, let’s talk about some don’ts:...

How I maintained my mental health during and after the exam:

One thing is sure you will have multiple breakdowns during your preparation journey but the main thing is you must not give up as you will realize after taking the exam that it all was just a phase of life that taught you many things and how to survive in difficult situations. Just believe in yourself and you can do it....