We can also DROP the view (myView) when not in use anymore using drop command:


DROP view myView;

After the view has been dropped, if we try to access the data from the current view we get an error message as shown below:


error msg

MySQL – ALTER VIEW Statement

The ALTER VIEW statement in MySQL is a powerful tool that allows users to modify the definition of an existing view without the need to drop and recreate it. This statement is particularly useful for changing the query or structure of a view to better help the needs of the application or database design.

In this article, We will learn about What is ALTER VIEW Statement, How to perform the ALTER VIEW Statement in multiple situations with examples, and so on.

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ALTER VIEW Statement

The ALTER VIEW statement in MySQL is used to modify the definition of an existing view. It allows us to change the query or structure of a view without dropping and recreating it. Users must have the ALTER and CREATE VIEW privileges to use this statement. When we use ALTER VIEW, the existing view is replaced entirely. We cannot modify specific columns in a view. However, it cannot be used to change the view’s name or its underlying table...

Example of ALTER VIEW Statement

To understand ALTER VIEW Statement in MySQL we need a table on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a table called employee which contain as shown below....

Altering an Existing View

1. Changing View Columns...


We can also DROP the view (myView) when not in use anymore using drop command:...


Overall, the ALTER VIEW statement in MySQL provides a convenient way to modify the definition of existing views, allowing for flexibility in database design and application development. Understanding how to use this statement effectively can help in managing views and helping them to changing requirements....