The term DSL is an abbreviation which is used for Digital Subscriber Line. It makes use of the standard copper phone lines. Basically it is a communication medium mostly used for the transfer of Internet. To provide broadband internet access, ISPs preferred DSL. There are two types of DSL. First one is Symmetric DSL and the other one is Asymmetric DSL. It also provides specific features like high speed, availability in most regions, offering secure connection, less cost than others, etc.

Network Load Balancing: Round Robin vs Least Connections

In this article, we are going to learn about the strategies which are used for managing traffic. This article will explain each strategy, its strengths. It also discusses when to use these strategies.

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Round Robin

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Least Connections

Least Connections is a type of dynamic load balancing approach. In this network load balancing approach the request gets distributed across the servers who have the least amount of active connections. This approach offers unique features of distributing the incoming requests or workloads in such a way that it minimizes the load present on the server. It helps to get rid of congestion and optimizes the performance. This load balancing approach is useful in scenarios where the load of the server changes over the time....

Difference Between Round Robin and Least Connections



The term DSL is an abbreviation which is used for Digital Subscriber Line. It makes use of the standard copper phone lines. Basically it is a communication medium mostly used for the transfer of Internet. To provide broadband internet access, ISPs preferred DSL. There are two types of DSL. First one is Symmetric DSL and the other one is Asymmetric DSL. It also provides specific features like high speed, availability in most regions, offering secure connection, less cost than others, etc....

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In conclusion, we learn about the types of Network Load Balancing. Round Robin and Least Connections are those two types which are used for Network Load Balancing. Round Robin is used for distribution of traffic in the sequential or round robin manner. While, Least connections is used for the distribution of traffic in such a way that server having the least active connections gets the traffic....

Network Load Balancing: Round Robin vs Least Connections – FAQs

Which protocol does network load balancer uses?...