
E-Waste refers to discarded electronic devices like old computers, mobile phones, and televisions. These devices contain hazardous materials like lead and mercury. Improper disposal of e-waste can harm the environment and human health. Recycling e-waste helps recover valuable resources like metals and reduces pollution. Proper management of e-waste involves recycling, refurbishing, and safely disposing of electronic devices. Governments and organizations promote awareness about e-waste recycling to minimize its negative impact on the environment.

Also Read: What is E-Waste?

Types and Sources of Waste

Waste is described as resources that are undesirable and unusable. Waste is considered to be something that has no value. Garbage is another term for the waste that is visible in our environment. Trash is mostly regarded as a type of solid trash, which comprises wastes from our homes (domestic waste), businesses (industrial waste), and schools (municipal waste).

Each type of waste requires specific management strategies to mitigate environmental impact and potential health hazards. In this article, we will learn about different types of waste, the sources of waste, and how we should manage it.

Table of Content

  • What is Waste?
  • Types of waste
  • Categories of Waste
  • Sources of Waste
  • Recycling of Waste
  • Decomposition of Biodegradable Waste
  • Chemical waste
  • E-Waste

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What is Waste?

Definition of Waste: Waste is any unwanted or unusable material that has been discarded after its primary use. It can be in the form of liquid, solid, or gas, but is generally solid....

Types of waste

Resources that are unwanted and unusable are referred to as waste since they have no use. The debris that is evident in our surroundings is also referred to as garbage. Wastes from our homes (domestic waste), businesses (industrial waste), and schools (municipal waste) are all considered to be forms of solid rubbish. There are two types of waste including:...

Categories of Waste

Wastes can be broadly categorized into various types based on their origin and composition. It can be categorized into:...

Sources of Waste

The sources of waste originates includes households, industries, healthcare facilities, and agricultural activities. They all contribute to the waste that is accumulated on the Earth....

Recycling of Waste

Recycling of waste items is crucial because it helps in the conversion of discarded or used goods into new or valuable products. Recycling aids in reducing pollution of the air, water, and land. It consumes less energy as well. Many different materials, including paper, plastic, glass, and more, can be recycled. Recycling contributes to both energy and natural resource conservation. Recycling contributes to environmental protection by lowering pollutants in the air, water, and soil....

Decomposition of Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable waste is organic matter that can be broken down into carbon dioxide, water, methane, compost, humus, and simple organic molecules. This process is natural and can be fast or slow. Various techniques can help in the breakdown and conversion of biodegradable trash into organic materials....

Chemical Waste

Chemical waste is any excess, unused, or unwanted chemical that can harm human health or the environment. It can be solids, liquids, or gases that contain or are contaminated with flammable solvents, toxic materials, or corrosives. Chemical wastes could be dangerous or not. Hazardous chemical wastes can exhibit toxicity, corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity. They can also be solid, liquid, or gaseous....


E-Waste refers to discarded electronic devices like old computers, mobile phones, and televisions. These devices contain hazardous materials like lead and mercury. Improper disposal of e-waste can harm the environment and human health. Recycling e-waste helps recover valuable resources like metals and reduces pollution. Proper management of e-waste involves recycling, refurbishing, and safely disposing of electronic devices. Governments and organizations promote awareness about e-waste recycling to minimize its negative impact on the environment....

Conclusion – Types of Waste – List of Sources of Waste

There are various sources of waste, including households, schools, offices, marketplaces, restaurants and other public places. Everyday items like food debris, used plastic bags, soda cans and plastic water bottles, broken furniture, broken home appliances, clothing, etc. are some of the examples of wastes. Types of wastes can be classified as solid, liquid, and gas. Solid wastes can be further classified as domestic, industrial, biomedical, municipal or radioactive. Each different type of waste has a specific disposal method....

FAQs on Types of Waste – List of Sources of Waste

What are the Major groups types of waste?...