Early Versions

  • CSS1: The first official specification for CSS was published in December 1996. It introduced basic features for text styling and font properties, margins, padding, color and background styling, and the box model.
  • CSS2: Released in May 1998, CSS2 expanded on CSS1 with more sophisticated selectors, positioning, media types, and other properties.

CSS History, Versions

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including various XML languages like SVG or XHTML). CSS defines how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

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Origins and Development

Developer: CSS was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), with significant contributions from Håkon Wium Lie and Bert Bos. Håkon Wium Lie first proposed the concept of CSS in 1994 as a way to solve the problems of document presentation on the web being controlled solely by HTML. Purpose: The main goal was to separate the content of a document (HTML) from its presentation aspects (fonts, colors, layout), making web development more accessible and web pages more adaptable to different types of devices....

Early Versions

CSS1: The first official specification for CSS was published in December 1996. It introduced basic features for text styling and font properties, margins, padding, color and background styling, and the box model. CSS2: Released in May 1998, CSS2 expanded on CSS1 with more sophisticated selectors, positioning, media types, and other properties....

Evolution and Modern CSS

CSS 2.1: An important revision that fixed inconsistencies and errors found in CSS2. It became a W3C Recommendation in June 2011 and is widely supported across all browsers. CSS3: Rather than being released as a single, monolithic specification, CSS3 is divided into several separate modules, each adding new features and capabilities. These modules include Selectors, Box Model, Backgrounds and Borders, Text Effects, 2D/3D Transformations, Animations, Flexbox, Grid Layout, and more. Modules are standardized independently, allowing for faster development and browser implementation....

Key Features and Innovations

Responsive Design: CSS3 introduced media queries, enabling the creation of responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. Advanced Layouts: Flexbox and Grid provide powerful layout mechanisms, simplifying the creation of complex web layouts that are responsive and adaptable. Visual Enhancements: Transitions, animations, and transformations allow for the creation of dynamic, interactive user interfaces without relying on JavaScript....

Continuous Development

Living Standard: CSS is also considered a living standard, with new features, selectors, properties, and modules being developed and added over time. The CSS Working Group, part of the W3C, continuously works on drafting and refining CSS specifications. Current Focus: Recent developments in CSS focus on variables (custom properties), enhanced grid and flexbox layouts, subgrid, aspect-ratio property, color manipulation functions, and more, aiming to provide developers with more control and flexibility over web design....

Timeline and Versions up to 2024

2000s-2010s: Introduction and gradual implementation of CSS3 modules across major web browsers, significantly enhancing the capabilities of web design and development. 2020s: Ongoing development of CSS4-related features, though the W3C no longer uses version numbers for CSS. The focus is on incrementally adding new selectors, properties, and functions to the existing CSS specifications. Innovations include container queries, which aim to further improve responsive design capabilities, and new pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements....


As of 2024, CSS continues to evolve with the web, adopting new capabilities that respond to the needs of modern web developers and designers. Through its evolution, CSS has transformed the web into a more vibrant, dynamic, and accessible medium. The commitment to ongoing development ensures that CSS remains a cornerstone of web design, enabling creativity, efficiency, and accessibility across the global web....