Earthquake Safety Information

Drop, Cover, and Hold on

In most cases, you may defend yourself immediately:

  1. Drop downward on your knees and hands
  2. Cover your head and neck
  3. Hold on to your place
  • During an earthquake, do not go outside or to other rooms.
  • You should not stand in a doorway. Under a table, you’re safer.
  • Drop, cover, and hold on if you are in a high-rise building.
  • Drop, cover, and hold on if you are inside a crowded area.
  • Drop, cover, and hold on until the shaking stops if you are near the shore.
  • Keep a safe distance from structures, power wires, sinkholes, and fuel and gas lines. 
  • Stop as quickly and safely as possible if you are in a moving car.

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Earthquake Safety Information

Drop, Cover, and Hold on...

FAQs on Occurrence of Earthquake

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