Easy_install in Python

Easy_install used to be a big deal in the Python world before pip came along and stole its thunder. While it still works fine, it’s kind of like the older sibling that’s been overshadowed by the younger, cooler one. Here’s what you need to know about it:

  1. Package Installation: Like pip, easy_install also grabs packages from PyPI, but it’s not as smart when it comes to handling dependencies. It tends to install everything in one big directory, which can sometimes cause issues if different packages need different versions of the same thing.
  2. Dependency Resolution: Easy_install’s way of figuring out what packages need to be installed isn’t as advanced as pip’s. So, if you have a project with lots of complex dependencies, it might struggle to get everything sorted out, leading to headaches.
  3. Limited Features: Unlike pip, easy_install doesn’t have all the fancy features like virtual environments or requirements files. It’s a bit more basic, which can make managing dependencies in bigger projects a bit trickier.
  4. Compatibility: While easy_install still plays nice with Python 2, it’s slowly fading into the background as pip takes the spotlight. Even in Python 2 projects, people are leaning more towards pip because it’s just better at what it does.

Difference Between pip and easy_install in Python

Python’s popularity is partly due to its many pre-written code packages that simplify development. Two major tools for managing these packages are pip and easy_install. In this article, we’ll look at how they’re alike and different, so you can choose the best one for our projects.

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