Educated Unemployment in India

After looking at the three unemployment in very brief we all understand these types. Now, this article emphasizes why educated unemployment is a peculiar problem in India? Let’s find the answer:-

Distribution of manpower

In India, there are some places where it is a surplus of manpower; while there are also places where is a shortage of manpower. In many sectors, there’s a huge shortage of labor, while there are other sectors where saturation is reached.  In a recent study, it has been found that the E-commerce industry, manufacturing, and logistic industry experiencing a shortage of labor. 

Lack of skilled manpower

After, the distribution of manpower the second reason was the lack of skilled force in our country.  In India, unemployment is seen among the technically qualified persons too as their technical knowledge is not as per the industry standard.  Thus due to the lack of skilled manpower, they are facing unemployment. It is very important that people of the country upgrade their skills as per the industry standard but this is not happening in the country. In a study, it was shown that many graduates do not have proficiency in communication skills, which is one of the basic skills required in the industry. Thus, one can conclude that it is very difficult for any industry to provide jobs to unskilled people. 

Poor standards of education 

Education is one of the parameters to judge the quality of people in the country. Unfortunately, India is failing in the field of education. Here we are not emphasizing the number or the number of institutions but the quality, which is compromising day by day. More specifically the  Outdated curriculum, lack of basic infrastructure in the institutions, and old methodology of teaching are some are the reasons behind the poor standard of the education institutes. The students are not getting the training as per the industry standards. Recent studies show that unemployment among graduates and postgraduates is more than that of matriculates. This shows how much the education system gets diluted, thus one needs to improve the quality of the education system.  

Gender Gap

According to 2021, Gender Gap Report India is ranked 140 out of 156 countries, this clearly shows the status of the gender gap in the country.  Women have always been in the discussion whenever we discussed unemployment.  Studies show that female unemployment in India is more than male unemployment. The reasons are again discrimination faced by women in the workplace. Apart from that, there are many social stereotypes that act as barriers in their careers, which led to quitting their job. 


In terms of the youth population and youth unemployment, according to a study, every year, India witnesses an 8-9% increase in enrolment at the higher education level.  Globally, India is among the top 5 countries in the world to have the highest number of students going to higher institutions.  So the main problem is the demand and supply, there is no equivalent rise of opportunities as per the demand. 

What is Educated Unemployment and reasons for it’s prevalence in India?

In order to understand why educated unemployment is a particular problem in India, we must know what exactly is unemployment and what exactly is educated unemployment.

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Types of Unemployment

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Educated Unemployment in India

After looking at the three unemployment in very brief we all understand these types. Now, this article emphasizes why educated unemployment is a peculiar problem in India? Let’s find the answer:-...

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