Effect of Resonance

We all have seen that the singer breaks a glass with their loud voice this happens due to Resonance. The frequency produced by an object can excite any vibration that occurs near the same frequency. The Resonance can also damage high buildings and bridges. The earthquake also occurs due to the Resonance and if it has the same frequency as the building, it causes some damage. So the Resonance cannot be ignored before constructing any buildings or bridges.

It also increases current and voltage due to which the impedance of the circuit becomes purely resistive which means there is no opposition to the flow of current. This leads to a maximum flow of current or voltage across the circuit depending on the configuration. If excessive voltage or current is applied at the resonant frequency the components can overheat and damage the circuit. As a result inductive and capacitive system components draw overcurrent.

What is Resonance ?

Resonance in electric circuits is a phenomenon that plays a vital role in changing the behavior of circuits and the transmission of electrical signals. Resonance plays a crucial role in various applications ranging from tuning radio frequencies to enhancing power transfer in electrical systems. This function takes place at a particular constant frequency, at the moment when impedance and reactance cancel out each other. In this article, we will go through the resonance in electric circuits and how it affects them, the types and applications which are widely used in many devices.

Table of Content

  • What is Resonance?
  • Key Components
  • Effect of Resonance
  • Characteristics
  • Types
  • Differentiate between series and parallel resonance
  • Application
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

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Resonance is a condition that occurs when the inductive reactance (XL) and capacitive reactance (XC) in an AC circuit cancel each other out. The net reactance becomes zero, leading to an increase in current flow and voltage amplitude. The alignment of reactive elements causes the circuit to be more responsive to the applied AC frequency....

Key Components in Resonance

Inductive Reactance (XL): Inductive Reactance is the opposition that an inductor presents to an alternating current. It is directly proportional to the frequency of the AC signal. It is represented by (XL) and measured in ohms (Ω). It is mostly low for lower frequencies and high for higher frequencies. However it is negligible for steady DC current. The inductive reactance formula is given as follows: XL = 2πfL .As the frequency increases the inductive reactance also increases. Capacitive Reactance (XC): A capacitor is a device used to store electrical energy. The capacitance of a capacitor determines the amount of charging a capacitor can achieve. The measure of the opposition to alternating current by the capacitor is called Capacitive Reactance. It is the resistance of a circuit element to changes in current or voltage. Its standard unit of measurement ohms (Ω). It is represented by the symbol Xc. It is inversely proportional to the frequency of the AC signal. As the frequency increases the capacitive reactance decreases. The capacitive reactance formula is given as follows: XC = 1/2πfC Resonant Frequency (f0): The frequency at which the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal in magnitude but opposite in phase resulting in cancellation. It can be calculated using the formula:...

Effect of Resonance

We all have seen that the singer breaks a glass with their loud voice this happens due to Resonance. The frequency produced by an object can excite any vibration that occurs near the same frequency. The Resonance can also damage high buildings and bridges. The earthquake also occurs due to the Resonance and if it has the same frequency as the building, it causes some damage. So the Resonance cannot be ignored before constructing any buildings or bridges....

Characteristics Of Resonance

Stability: Stability is important for maintaining the desired resonant frequency and response characteristics under varying loads and environmental conditions. Current change: The current flowing through the circuit changes depending on the type of resonance. Frequency Selectivity: Resonance circuits are highly selective at resonant frequency the circuit exhibits maximum impedance (in a series resonance circuit) or minimum impedance (in a parallel resonance circuit), resulting in a sharp peak in the circuit’s response. The sharp peak allows resonance circuits to filter out unwanted frequencies. Voltage change: Individual components experience voltages higher than the source voltage at resonance. Phase Shift: In series resonance circuit voltage and current are in phase while in a parallel resonance circuit they are 180 degrees out of phase....

Types Of Resonance

Series Resonance Parallel Resonance...

Series Resonance

In a series resonance circuit, the inductor (L) and capacitor (C) are connected in series, along with a resistor (R). The resonant frequency (f₀) is the frequency at which the inductive and capacitive reactance cancel each other out, resulting in a minimum impedance. During this point the circuit becomes highly responsive to the applied frequency....

Parallel Resonance

In a parallel resonance circuit, the inductor (L) and capacitor (C) are connected in parallel, with a resistor (R) typically in series with the inductor. At the resonant frequency (f₀), the impedance of the inductor and capacitor cancel each other out, resulting in a sharp increase in current flow through the circuit....

Differentiate Between Series and Parallel Resonance

Series Resonance Parallel Resonance Series Resonance circuit is an acceptor circuit. Parallel Resonance circuit is an rejecter circuit. At resonance the impedance is a maximum. At resonance the impedance is maximum nearly equal to infinity. Current at resonance is maximum = V/R. Current at resonance is minimum = V/(L/CR). Power factor is unity. Power factor is unity. Series circuit magnifies voltage. Parallel circuit magnifies current The series resonance is widely used in tuning, oscillator circuits, voltage amplifiers, high frequency filters, etc. The parallel resonance is used in current amplifiers, induction heating, filters, radio-frequency amplifiers, etc....

Application of Resonance

It has some vast practical applications in the electrical engineering field. Below are five applications of resonance in RLC circuits:...

Advantages of Resonance

Selective tuning: Filtering out unwanted signals and focusing on the desired frequency band in communication systems. Amplification: Resonance circuits provide strong amplification to signals resulting in increased signal power. It is used in the applications communication systems. Impedance Matching: Resonance circuits are also used for impedance matching purposes ensuring maximum power transfer between the source and load. It is used in antennas and transmission lines. Energy Efficiency: Resonance circuits can store and transfer energy efficiently between the inductive and capacitive elements. The applications of energy efficiency are wireless power transfer systems and energy storage....

Disadvantages of Resonance

Bulkiness: The inductive and capacitive components can be bulky and heavy limiting the downsize of resonant circuits. Narrow Bandwidth: Resonance circuits sometimes have a narrow bandwidth which means that they are effective for a limited range of frequencies. This limitation can restrict their capability in applications requiring broader frequency coverage. Complex Design Requirements: Designing resonance circuits with specific performance characteristics can be complex and require detailed analysis. Achieving desired resonance properties such as bandwidth and Q factor often necessitates careful consideration of circuit and component values....


Designing and operation of electrical circuits gets affected by resonance which allows to design efficient and accurate electronic systems for various applications like radio communication and medical diagnostics. It is also used in the working principle of music instruments as it allows us to hear and communicate with one another. It allows engineers to optimize circuit performance for specific applications such as communication systems, filtering, amplification and power transfer. Resonance is a fundamental concept that finds applications in a wide range of fields from telecommunications to medical imaging. The study of resonance will lead to innovations in the field of electronics in future....

FAQs on Resonance

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