Electric Flux Definition

Electric flux is the measure of electric field lines passing through a given closed surface. It is a scalar quantity, representing the total number of electric field lines passing through a given surface.

Formula of Electric Flux

Electric flux depends on the strength of the electric field lines, the area of the surfaces, and the orientation between the surface area and the electric field lines. The formula to calculate electric flux is given as:

Φ = E • A


Φ = E A cos θ


  • Φ denotes the electric flux,
  • E denotes the electric field strength,
  • A denotes the area of the closed surface, and
  • θ denotes the angle between the electric field lines and the area vector

Unit of Electric Flux

SI unit of Electric Flux is volt-meter (V⋅m). Electric flux is a concept in electromagnetism that describes the flow of an electric field through a given area. It is a measure of the amount of electric field that penetrates a surface or the number of electric field lines passes through that surface.

In this article, we will learn about the basics of electric flux, its SI unit, and the conversion between various units of electric flux.

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In conclusion, electric flux is a fundamental concept in electrodynamics that plays a crucial role in understanding electric fields and their interactions with surfaces. It quantifies the number of electric field lines passing through a given surface and provides valuable insights into the strength and distribution of electric fields....

FAQs on Unit of Electric Flux

Explain Electric Flux....