Element of UCD – based on ISO Standard

From the ISO standard definition, there are 7 different elements around which the whole UCD revolves. Understanding each step would help designers to use the UCD approach more appropriately and positively.

1. Active Involvement of User

It says to have active user involvement during the design process. Taking user input from the beginning, and using those inputs to validate the design would make the design robust and easier for users to relate with.
Active involvement means when you involve users in an iterative, interactive process at every single stage of the complete design cycle.
While planning to actively involve users in the process, keep in mind:

  • Technique: By technique, here it means – User interviews, data gathering, usability testing, surveys, and contextual inquiry. All these techniques could be used to get user inputs during the complete design process.
  • Purpose: By purpose, it means to say when are we collecting data and for what. Such as – collecting data to understand users’ needs, behavior, and expectations, as well as collecting user data both quantitative and qualitative data collected to measure usability criteria.
  • Stage of Design Cycle: At what stage of the design cycle are you going to apply a certain technique to collect data for a particular purpose? Like the midpoint of the design cycle, the start of the process, or the end of the process.

Combining all three 3 steps, the designer first selects a technique(i.e. User interview) for the purpose(i.e. collecting user’s needs and expectation data) during the stage(i.e. beginning of the process).
The idea is to pay attention to – What users do, rather than what they say!

2. Clear Understanding of User Requirements, Tasks, and Environment

Getting a clear understanding of the user’s requirements, what task they’ll perform to meet those requirements and in what environment will those tasks be performed. All this information would come from the previous step, which is purely dedicated to getting the user information through different techniques.

  • Requirement: This would include all the key needs of the user, for which they’ll use the product. Knowing the requirement would help designers to think is a way of solving the core issue. Key needs of the user when catered properly, would increase the chances of users sticking to the app and the app being more useful to them.
  • Task: Task Bucks included all the core tasks that a user would be performing to meet the end goal. For example, a user needs to shop for a product, to do so he/she needs to select the product, add it to the cart, proceed to buy, select an address, and make the payment. All these tasks would fall under the bucket of core tasks required to be performed to achieve the end goal.
  • Environment: Getting to know about the environment is also an important input for designers. Knowing where the user would perform core key actions would add a lot of value to the end product. For example, Google Maps – users would mainly use maps while on the go. So it is very important to understand how users would manage the app, the vehicle, and the directions at the same time. Showing only the relevant element on the interface is crucial, other than too much information would hinder the chance of users to effectively use the app. Therefore only directions are shown on the app while the user is in the navigation mode.

3. Allocation of function between User and Technology

By saying the appropriate allocation of function, it means to say be mindful of the fact that what actions would be best suitable to be performed by whom? 
Designers should evaluate what action is better performed by whom, this would avoid the clash between machine and human interaction. For example: While using Microsoft team, the best thing a user could do is set his/her calendar as per how they want their day to be. What a machine or technology could do better is find a common slot for meetings. Now if we compare both scenarios and reverse them concerning who is doing it, it would be messy. Why?
Because a machine can’t plan your day, better than you. Also, you can’t sit and find a free slot for a meeting when inviting 100 people to the meeting. 
This is what the allocation of function between user and technology meets, it seems a small point but is very crucial for designers to deeply understand.

4. Iteration of Design Solution

Almost every designer is aware of the fact that design is an iterative process. The whole idea seems very easy but when it comes to implementing the whole iteration concept it is very difficult. Picking the right requirements, flaws to work on, updates to be made and features/functionality to be added before getting started with iteration would be very helpful as it will save a lot of time and effort. Getting started with iteration without anything to work on would waste a lot of time. Including the stakeholders and users before and after each iteration would also help validate the changes.

5. Validation Testing with User

Validation of the designs would be based on the iteration carried out till now. Every iteration should be thorough. Validation includes testing with low-fidelity, high-fidelity as well as the final designs. Whenever the team thinks, iteration and work are 80% done, try to start validating what has been done already. 
Always take a go-ahead from your actual user – not through a word but the way they interact with the app would be a sign for you to either work more on the same design as an iteration or that it for the final updates before launching.

6. Multi-Disciplinary Design

By saying a multi-disciplinary design, it means including people from all the other dependent cross-functional teams as well. Including teams that are co-dependent would add a lot of value to the product. Before launching, whenever designs are tested, add developer and product to check the feasibility and accessibility of the feature. For example when thinking of a new feature, have a word with developers concerning time, effort, and the possibility of having that feature in the product.
Cross-functional teams that the designer should be actively involved in during the design process are:

  • Engineering
  • Visual/communication design
  • Marketing & Brand
  • Operations
  • Copywriters
  • Content strategist

Involving the team in the process at the right time would help designers explore crucial use cases, brand identity, and market standards before launching the product.

7. Encompasses the Whole User Experience

Designing while keeping in mind the complete user experience involves, encompassing all channels with which the user interacts. There are many channels of a product through which the user interacts, and by encompassing the whole user experience it means that there should be a maintained consistency for each channel. 
For example, Amazon is a big brand that encompasses a lot of products like the Amazon shopping app, Amazon Music app, Amazon Prime Video, and Amazon Alexa, etc. All these products are different touch points with which the audience/user of Amazon interacts. 
All these channels maintain consistency and one unique brand identity of Amazon. This is what a designer as well as the whole design team should think while working on products associated with a brand.

User Centred Design Process – ISO Standard Guide

UCD and UX are the two most common and confusing words. Designing for users is critical for the success of the app as well as the brand. UX stands for User Experience and UCD stands for User-Centered Design. UX is when designers design for the overall user experience of an app, whereas UCD is the approach that designers take while working for UX.

Imagine you want to bake the perfect cake for your friend’s birthday. To do that, you wouldn’t just throw random ingredients together and hope for the best. Instead, you’d follow a recipe, taste the batter along the way, and adjust it until it’s just right. In the same way, UCD is a method for creating products, like websites or apps, that people love to use.

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