ELIF (ELSE IF) statement

ELIF is the keyword used for the ELSE IF statement in bash scripting. If in a loop if more than two conditions exist which can not be solved only by using IF-ELSE statement then ELIF is used. Multiple ELIF conditions can be defined inside one if-else loop.

ELIF syntax:

if [ condition1 ]
 elif [ condition2 ]
 elif [condition3 ]


 # Initializing the variable
 if [ $a < 10 ] 
      # If variable less than 10    
      echo "a is less than 10" 
elif [ $a < 25 ] 
      # If variable less than 25  
      echo "a is less than 25" 
     # If variable is greater than 25   
     echo "a is greater than 25"  


a is greater than 25

Bash Scripting – Else If Statement

In this article, we will discuss how to write a bash script for the Else If statement.

Conditional statements: The statements that perform specific functions based on certain conditions are called conditional statements. In bash scripting, we have several conditional statements like IF, IF-ELSE, IF-ELSE-IF, etc. Every statement has its way of working and according to the need, we use them.

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ELIF (ELSE IF) statement

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