Eligibility of SAP Certification

SAP consists of more courses and modules as it ranges from engineering considerations to wide business intelligence and so on. The eligibility depends on which particular SAP course one is interested in and the skills and experience that the individual possesses. It if highly recommended that the SAP aspirant has a relevant academic background in subjects such as Computer science, Business management, Finance, Accounting, Human resources, Information systems, Operating systems and management and so on.

SAP certification is divided into two categories as mentioned below

  1. Functional part.
  2. Technical part.

But note that both part of the courses present similar authorization and transaction codes related to your educational background. The course content varies from the nature of the course. However technical SAP certification focuses maximum in programming and module customization. In case of business analyst they work and mix both functional and technical skills as that acts as major responsibilities. Technical courses are advisable if one wants to go for development or programming side. If you applying global certification then you must hold an Associate level certification. SAP certification helps to validate the expertise and experience of SAP partners. Certification in SAP is recognized globally and is a standardized criterion for various roles and responsibilities.

What is SAP Certification? Eligibility, Courses and Advantages

As we all know the full form of SAP is System Applications and Products in Data processing and one can also say SAP is System analysis Program development which is originally aimed to provide stakeholders with the potential to interact upon a common database resource along with the good comprehensive application range. As of today SAP is being used by one of the leading companies like IBM, Microsoft, and so on. SAP was founded by five working professionals who are working in IBM in the year of 1972 from Manheim, Germany. SAP applications have gone through various changes and modifications and the latest R/3 applications from SAP provides immense capabilities to manage finance, production operations, supply chain management, materials and cost accounting.

SAP Certification

Table of Content

  • What is SAP Certification?
  • Eligibility of SAP Certification
  • Courses Offered by SAP
  • Advantages of SAP certification
  • Conclusion

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Eligibility of SAP Certification

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Courses Offered by SAP

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Advantages of SAP certification

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As we have analyzed the evolving and ever increasing requirement for SAP-driven solutions in several Indian and international companies these days, It makes much sense to go for an SAP training course to help career growth. With the vast usability of SAP in many industry-specific domains, Well if you are working professional, keen on promoting ahead in your career by upgrading your SAP knowledge. It is one of the most benefiting ERP platforms which facilitate better functioning of business in all aspects....