Encrypting the PDF File

First, We will open our PDF file with the reader object. Then, we will create a copy of the original file so that if something goes wrong, it doesn’t affect our original file. To create a copy, we have to iterate through every page of the file and add it to our new PDF file. Then, we can simply encrypt our new PDF file.

PDF File used:


# import PdfFileWriter and PdfFileReader 
# class from PyPDF2 library
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
# create a PdfFileWriter object
out = PdfFileWriter()
# Open our PDF file with the PdfFileReader
file = PdfFileReader("myfile.pdf")
# Get number of pages in original file
num = file.numPages
# Iterate through every page of the original 
# file and add it to our new file.
for idx in range(num):
    # Get the page at index idx
    page = file.getPage(idx)
    # Add it to the output file
# Create a variable password and store 
# our password in it.
password = "pass"
# Encrypt the new file with the entered password
# Open a new file "myfile_encrypted.pdf"
with open("myfile_encrypted.pdf", "wb") as f:
    # Write our encrypted PDF to this file


This will create a copy of the original file and encrypt it with the entered password. Once the PDF is encrypted, it can not be opened without entering the correct password.

Encrypt and Decrypt PDF using PyPDF2

PDF (Portable Document Format) is one of the most used file formats for storing and sending documents. They are commonly used for many purposes such as eBooks, Resumes, Scanned documents, etc. But as we share pdf to many people, there is a possibility of its data getting leaked or stolen. So, it’s necessary to password protect our PDF files so that only authorized persons can have access to it.

In this article, we are going to see how can we set a password to protect a PDF file. We’ll be using the PyPDF2 module to encrypt and decrypt our PDF files. PyPDF2 is a Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of:

  • Extracting document information (title, author, …)
  • Splitting and Merging documents
  • Cropping pages
  • Encrypting and decrypting PDF files


PyPDF2 is not an inbuilt library, so we have to install it.

pip3 install PyPDF2

Now, we are ready to write our script to encrypt PDF files.

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Encrypting the PDF File

First, We will open our PDF file with the reader object. Then, we will create a copy of the original file so that if something goes wrong, it doesn’t affect our original file. To create a copy, we have to iterate through every page of the file and add it to our new PDF file. Then, we can simply encrypt our new PDF file....

Decrypting The PDF File
