Endpoint Security Threats

1. Phishing: Phishing is a type of cybersecurity attack that attempts to obtain data that are sensitive like Username, Password, and more. It attacks the user through mail, text, or direct messages. Now the attachment sends by the attacker is opened by the user because the user thinks that the email, text, messages came from a trusted source. To read more about this, please refer to the article Phishing.

2. Malvertising: Malvertising is malicious activity. Generally uses ads to send malware. Typically this happens through the injection of unwanted or malicious code into ads. To read more about this, please refer to the article malware and its Types.

3. Ransomware: In this type of attack, attackers use the malware to access devices, lock the encrypted data and then blackmail the victim, and demand payment to unlock and release the data. To read more about this, please refer to the article How Ransomware Works and How to Prevent it?.

What is an Endpoint in Security?

Endpoint security is the process of protecting endpoints on end-user devices such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices against attackers. Endpoint security solutions protect endpoints on a network or in the cloud against cybersecurity threats. Endpoint Security or Endpoint Protection is a technique for the safety of computer networks.

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Endpoint Security Importance

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Endpoint Security Threats

1. Phishing: Phishing is a type of cybersecurity attack that attempts to obtain data that are sensitive like Username, Password, and more. It attacks the user through mail, text, or direct messages. Now the attachment sends by the attacker is opened by the user because the user thinks that the email, text, messages came from a trusted source. To read more about this, please refer to the article Phishing....

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Frequently Asked Questions on Endpoint Security – FAQs

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