Enforcement of Safety Laws

Safety regulations should be enforced by the government, ensuring compliance with laws that uphold the Right to Life as guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution.

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy serves as a stark illustration of governmental negligence, leading to a catastrophic disaster.

  • Government authorities failed to acknowledge the hazardous nature of the plant, allowing its establishment in a densely populated area.
  • Additionally, no measures were taken to compel Union Carbide to adopt cleaner technologies or safer practices.
  • Despite repeated leaks from the plant, government inspectors continued to sanction its operations, disregarding evident signs of imminent danger.

In this instance, both governmental bodies and private corporations demonstrated a blatant disregard for safety protocols.

Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice| Class 8 Civics Notes

To safeguard individuals from exploitation, the government enacts laws aimed at minimizing unfair practices within markets. Many of these laws are rooted in the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution. For instance, the Right against Exploitation prohibits forced labor or employment of children below the age of 14 in hazardous occupations.

How effectively do these laws translate into action? To what extent do they address issues of social justice? Answers to such inquiries can be found in CBSE Notes Class 8 Civics Chapter 8 – Law and Social Justice. Delve into this chapter to gain insights into these aspects.

Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice| Class 8 Civics Notes

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