Entities and Attributes for Customer Relationship Management Software

1. Admin Entity

  • Admin ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each administrator.
  • Username: Username used for authentication.
  • Password: Encrypted password for secure access.
  • Email: Email address of the administrator.
  • Role: Role or level of access (e.g., super admin, admin, moderator).

2. Customer Entity

  • Customer ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each customer.
  • First Name: First name of the customer.
  • Last Name: Last name of the customer.
  • Email: Email address of the customer.
  • Phone Number: Contact number of the customer.
  • Address: Customer’s physical address.
  • City: City where the customer resides.
  • State: State or province where the customer resides.
  • Country: Country where the customer resides.
  • Zip/Postal Code: Zip or postal code of the customer’s address.

3. Service Entity

  • Service ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each service.
  • Service Name: Name or title of the service.
  • Description: Description of the service.
  • Price: Cost or price of the service.

4. Product Entity

  • Product ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each product.
  • Product Name: Name or title of the product.
  • Description: Description of the product.
  • Price: Cost or price of the product.
  • Quantity Available: Available quantity of the product in stock.

5. Order Entity

  • Order ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each order.
  • Date: Date the order was placed.
  • Total Amount: Total amount of the order.
  • Status: Status of the order (e.g., pending, shipped, delivered).
  • Customer ID(Foreign Key): Reference to the customer table.
  • Employee ID(Foreign Key): Reference to the employee table.

6. Employee Entity

  • Employee ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for each employee.
  • First Name: First name of the employee.
  • Last Name: Last name of the employee.
  • Email: Email address of the employee.
  • Phone Number: Contact number of the employee.
  • Position: Position or role within the company.
  • Department: Department to which the employee belongs.

7. CRM Portal Entity

  • Portal ID(Primary Key): Unique identifier for the CRM portal.
  • Portal Name: Name or title of the CRM portal.
  • Administrator ID(Foreign Key): Reference to the admin table.

How to Design ER Diagrams for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

In the world of business establishing and maintaining good customer contact is among the most important things. Customer-oriented applications (CRMs) are the main tools that promote long-term business-to-customer partnerships. An Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram is the conceptual design that forms the basis of every CRM system.

This article helps you to explore ER diagrams designed for Customer Relationship Management systems by considering things like entities/relationships/attributes necessary for the system’s smooth running.

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In Conclusion, ER diagrams are the key component that functions in the architecture and logic of CRM systems. Through visual illustration including both entities with their relationships, these diagrams offer the invaluable perspective on how data is organized, how systems work and how the system is designed. Being conversant with and utilizing ER diagrams aptly are core to supplying firms with an ideal CRM tool that creates and maintains true client-business relationships....