
Enzyme, developed by Airbnb, is another testing utility for React. It offers various rendering strategies such as shallow rendering, full DOM rendering, and static rendering. Enzyme provides a rich set of utility functions for traversing and asserting on component output. Enzyme is another popular library for testing React components. It provides a more detailed and flexible API for interacting with components, supporting shallow rendering, full DOM rendering, and static rendering.

Compare React Testing Library and Enzyme for Testing React Components.

React Testing Library and Enzyme are widely used testing utilities for React components. Although they serve the same purpose, their approaches and features differ.

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React Testing Library

React Testing Library is a lightweight testing utility for React. It emphasizes testing components from the user’s perspective. This means focusing on how users interact with the application and accessing the DOM elements in a way that resembles user behaviour....

Features of React Testing Library

User Perspective Testing: React Testing Library helps you test your app like a real user. You check if buttons work, text boxes accept typing, and everything looks right for users.Interacting with DOM: It lets you interact with what’s on your app’s screen. You can click buttons, type text, and do other things users would do.Support for Delays: If your app needs to wait for something to happen, like getting data from a server, React Testing Library can handle that. It’s good for testing components that use async operations.Tests That Don’t Break Easily: React Testing Library looks at how your components behave instead of checking tiny details. This means your tests are less likely to break when you change your code....


React Testing Library is a popular library for testing React components. It focuses on testing components in a way that resembles how users interact with them, promoting better testing practices....


Enzyme, developed by Airbnb, is another testing utility for React. It offers various rendering strategies such as shallow rendering, full DOM rendering, and static rendering. Enzyme provides a rich set of utility functions for traversing and asserting on component output. Enzyme is another popular library for testing React components. It provides a more detailed and flexible API for interacting with components, supporting shallow rendering, full DOM rendering, and static rendering....

Features of Enzyme

Shallow Rendering: Allows testing of a component in isolation by rendering only the component itself without its children, making it easier to test and debug.Full DOM Rendering: Provides the ability to render a component and its children, enabling more comprehensive testing that involves the full component tree.Static Rendering: Generates HTML from a component without running its lifecycle methods, useful for testing the output of simple components.Simulating Events: Provides methods to simulate user interactions like clicks, form submissions, and more, to test how components respond to events.Finding Elements: Offers intuitive methods to search for and find components and elements within the rendered output, making it easy to assert that the right elements are present and in the expected state....

Difference between React Testing Library and Enzyme

The table below describe the difference between React Testing Library and Enzyme:...