
Differential Error is a method used to calculate error in output for a change in input. To calculate the differential error, follow the below-mentioned steps

Step 1: Take x as the independent variable and x + Δx as the change in the variable.

Step 2: Find Δx by (x + Δx) – x. Assume dx = Δx.

Step 3: Find dy/dx at the given value of x.

Step 4: dy = (dy/dx).dx

The dy obtained in step 4 gives the value of Δy.

Now find y for the given value of x as y = f(x). Thus, the change in y is given as y + Δy.

To find the percentage error multiply (Δy/y) with 100.

Differential Calculus

Differential Calculus is a branch of Calculus in mathematics that is used to find rate of change of a quantity with respect to other. It involves calculating derivatives and using them to solve problems involving non constant rates of change. The primary objects of study in differential calculus are the derivative of a function, related notions such as the differential, and their applications.

In this article, we have tried to provide a brief overview of the branch of Differential Calculus including topics such as limits, derivatives, various formulas for derivatives as well as application of derivatives.

Table of Content

  • What is Differential Calculus?
  • What is Limit?
  • Limit Formulas
  • Continuity, Discontinuity, and Differentiability of a Function
  • Derivatives
  • Differentiation Formulas
  • Implicit Differentiation
  • Higher Order Derivatives
  • Error
  • Approximation
  • Inflection Point
  • Tangent and Normal
  • Increasing and Decreasing Function
  • Maxima and Minima
  • Extreme Value Theorem
  • First Derivative Test
  • Second Derivative Test
  • Differential Equation

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