Erstwhile Planning Commission

In March 1950, the Planning Commission was founded. It was established by an executive resolution of the GOI, based on the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Board. In 1946, the Planning Commission was established under the chairmanship of KC Neogi.

NITI Aayog: National Institute for Transforming India

On August 13, 2014, the Modi government disbanded the 65-year-old Planning Commission, stating that it would be replaced by a new organisation. As a result, on January 1, 2015, the NITI Aayog (National Institute for Transforming India) was established. NITI Aayog, like the Planning Commission, was established by an executive decree of the Indian government. As a result, it is neither constitutionally nor statutorily protected. It is a non-constitutional or extra-constitutional body, meaning it was created outside of the Constitution. It’s also a non-statutory organisation, which means it wasn’t created by a law passed by the legislature. NITI Aayog is the Government of India’s top policy ‘Think Tank’, providing both strategic and policy input. While creating long-term and strategic plans and programmes.

The new institution will serve as a development catalyst, developing an overall enabling environment through a holistic approach to development that goes beyond the public sector and the Indian government. The following pillars will be used to construct this:

1) Empowering states to participate in national development as equal partners; bringing the Cooperative Federalism ideal into practice.
2) An internal and external resource hub that serves as a library of good governance best practices and a Think Tank that provides domain knowledge and strategic expertise to all levels of government.
3) A collaborative platform for tracking progress, fixing gaps, and bringing together disparate ministries at the federal and state levels in the pursuit of a single goal to make implementation easier.

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1) To create a shared national development vision.2) To promote federalism in which states work together.3) Create mechanisms for developing credible plans at the village level.4) To ensure that national security interests are served in areas specifically referred to it.5) Paying special attention to the segments of our society that may be at risk of not benefiting sufficiently from economic progress.6) Create strategic and long-term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, as well as track their progress.7) To provide guidance and encouragement to important stakeholders and like-minded national and international partners.8) Create a structure to foster knowledge, creativity, and entrepreneurship.9) Actively monitor and evaluate the implementation of programmes and initiatives.10) To make technical advancement a priority....

The NITI Aayog is built on seven pillars of successful governance:

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Erstwhile Planning Commission

In March 1950, the Planning Commission was founded. It was established by an executive resolution of the GOI, based on the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Board. In 1946, the Planning Commission was established under the chairmanship of KC Neogi....


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Questions Based on NITI Aayog and Planning Commission

1) Who is the current CEO of the NITI Aayog?Rajeev Kumar (a)Amitabh Kant (b) Manmohan Singh c)Prime Minister Narendra Modi (d) Answer. B...