Essay on the Wonders of Science, 400 words

Man lived like a barbarian in his early years. He had no idea how to start a fire, prepare food, or put on clothes. He didn’t even know how to speak, read, or write, let alone build a house or tent. But with the application of science, he gradually created a vast society. We are aware that science has blessed us with far too many things, from the ability to make a pin to a rocket, which has made life worthwhile. However, as they say, there are two sides to every coin.

The drawbacks of science

Certain inventions developed by science have turned out to be harmful to humanity. These were created with the intention of improving humankind, but they are instead turning out to be a curse in the following ways:


Industrialization is the root cause of pollution. Vehicles and industries are two primary sources of pollution. Pollution has increased as a result of technological inventions. Pollution of the air, water, and noise poses a hazard to humanity. We are dealing with serious issues like global warming as a result of this pollution, and it has become a challenge for humanity. The industries release a lot of toxic and hazardous gases into the atmosphere. These contaminate the air. Our inhaled air is highly contaminated and leads to a host of illnesses.

Destructive Armaments

Again, science is responsible for the creation of lethal and devastating weaponry. Humanity now has access to advanced weaponry and warheads thanks to science. By simply pressing a button, these weapons have the ability to wreak havoc and cause mass deaths at a great distance. Destructive scientific applications such as the hydrogen bomb, nuclear bomb, missiles, chemical warfare, and poisonous gases can quickly end the existence of any large nation or city. Nuclear power plants pose a major threat to both the environment and civilization. The 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy claimed hundreds of lives and left many more permanently crippled as a result of the deadly gas release.


Thanks to the development of sophisticated machinery, tasks that took a long period in the past now take very little time. Although the invention has made our lives easier, it has also increased unemployment. Industrialization has resulted in a reduction in the need for human labor since machines now perform the majority of the labor.

Wonder of Science Essay

Essay on Scientific Wonders: The most potent tool at our disposal for bringing about global change is science. Our way of life has been changed by science. It has greatly benefited and blessed humanity. The world has changed as a result. It is the most effective weapon at our disposal for bringing about global change.

Here, we’ve included a variety of essays about the wonders of science that are all under a set word count to help you prepare for assignments, tests, and other class assessments. Any Wonders of Science essay might be chosen based on your needs:

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