
Devices connected to the same Ethernet segment typically use this sort of communication on LAN networks to listen to the network media to determine whether they can transmit or whether they need to wait. Switches allow several devices to access the media simultaneously while hubs only allow one device to broadcast at once. There are three different methods of message transmission in Ethernet communication: Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast.

  • Unicast- In a unicast transmission, there is just one sender and one recipient in this mode. A frame is typically sent from one node to a particular destination during unicast transmission. This is the most typical method of communication on contemporary LANs, especially when employing internet-based protocols like HTTP, Telnet, and others.
  • Multicast- The sender typically sends a frame to several nodes on the Ethernet segment during multicast communication. For instance, a user could need to talk to three other users at once during a teleconference. Multicast messages will be sent in this situation.
  • Broadcast- In broadcast transmission, a frame is typically transmitted to every LAN device present. If the message being transmitted is intended for a big audience, this communication is also helpful.

Switch Concepts and Configuration

A switch is a discrete piece of hardware that connects various computers to a single local area network (LAN). In the OSI model, network switches function at layer 2 (Data link layer).

  • On the basis of MAC addresses, switches are utilized to forward the packets.
  • The switch makes it possible for the device that has been addressed to receive the data.  
  •  It checks the destination address before properly routing the packet.
  • Full duplex operation is used.
  • Since the source and destination are communicating directly, packet collision is minimal.
  • It does not broadcast the message since its bandwidth is constrained.

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