Ethics and Rules of Democratic Party

Following are the Ethics and Rules followed by Democratic Party:

  • The Democratic Party aims to be inclusive, welcoming diverse voices.
  • It conducts primaries and caucuses for candidate selection.
  • Emphasizes transparency in finances and campaign contributions.
  • Advocates for civil rights, healthcare, LGBTQ+ rights, and more.
  • Develops a platform outlining policy positions.
  • Has internal rules governing operations and nominations.
  • Follows election laws for fair campaigns.
  • Mechanisms in place for dispute resolution.
  • Encourages grassroots engagement.
  • Expects high ethical standards from leaders and officials.

Political Parties in the United States – Democratic Party and the Republican Party

When discussing American politics, it is important to focus on the two dominant entities: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In this article, we will go through their historical origins, the distinctive structure of the American two-party system, organizational complexitie­s, and notable figures. This approach will provide a fair and compre­hensive overvie­w of the country’s political framework.

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FAQs – Political Parties in the United States

Q1. What is a political party?...