Evolution of Self Help Groups in India

There are mostly three stages In the evolution of self-help groups:

  • Formation of the groups
  • Funding of the groups
  • Required skills development for boosting income generation for the group

Self-Help group promoting agencies are mostly listed below:

  1. Government
  2. Non-government agencies
  3. Poverty management
  4. Commercial banks
  5. Microfinance institutions

Self Help Groups

A self-help group refers to a financial group usually made up of 10 to 25 local women, who are aged between 18 to 40. Most of the self-help groups are situated in India, however, can be found in other countries as well, but concentrated in South and South-East Asia.


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Self Help Groups in India

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Way Forward for SHGs

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FAQs on Self Help Groups

Question 1: What are self-help groups?...