EX Squared Solutions Interview Experience 2023

EX Squared recently visited my college to hire an app developer, Data Scientist, and Data Analyst. I have applied for the App developer post. While preparing for the Ex Squared, I unfortunately did not get much interview experience about this company. So hope this will help you, Unfortunately, I could not clear the first round but hope this helps you.

Overall there were 4 rounds

1. Online Machine Test

2. Technical Interview

3. Hackathon

4. Hr Interview

The first Round was 2 hours and there were 6 coding questions from easy to moderate level with some mcqs based on Computer Networking, DBMS, OOPS.

Out of 6 coding questions, one was a hard-level SQL question. I don’t remember MCQS but I am sharing all the coding questions that I remember.:-

1) You will be provided with a string you need to increment each word by one. The time when you encounter a vowel (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) you need to convert the word to upper case, the time when you encounter a number just ignore it,when you encounter a special character like *,$,!,_,’ ‘ you need to check if the index at which you encounter a special character is less than string length then pop the next character of the string else remove the character before the special character.

eg1: Input: hello*3 Ouput: – Ifmmp*

eg2: fun day! Output:- gvo Eb!

2) You are given with an arry you have to find if given array is in AP or GP. if it is in Ap write “Arithematic Progression” Else write “Geometric Progression”.

Input: {2,4,6,8} Output: Arithematic Progression

3) You are given a array of string consisting the corrdinates [ “(0 0)”, “(3 0)”, “(0 2)”, “(3 2)” ] you need to find the area of the rectange formed by these coordinates. The answer of above question is 6.

4)You are given a table consisting of firstName, position,mentor, salary,age you need to print all the data about the person whose mentor is “Jenny” or “null” and add a new clm in the output with name boss title in which you will add ‘CEO’ if that position is ‘CEO’ if that person position is not ceo then simply add null in that clm for that person.

5. You are given a array that should only contain 5 works.You have to perform LRU operation and print the job.

eg [ ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘A’ ,’E’, ‘B’ ,’J’, ‘K’ ];

here A has come first time so add in arr = [A];

now B has come first time so add b in arr = [ A, B];

now C has come first time in arr so add c in arr = [A,B,C];

now A is come twice so replace the first positon A in the last so arr = [B , C, A];

now E has come first time so add E so arr = [B, C, A, E];

now B has come second time so bring B at last position so arr = [ C A E B];

now J has come first time so add it so arr = [ C A E B J];

now K has come first time so add it in arr = [C A E B J K];

since we can have only 5 process so simply remove the least recently used one and return the answer by adding ‘ – ‘ sign. so Ouput = A – E -B – J – K;

6) I dont remember so sry about that.

EX Squared Solutions Interview Experience 2023

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EX Squared Solutions Interview Experience 2023

EX Squared recently visited my college to hire an app developer, Data Scientist, and Data Analyst. I have applied for the App developer post. While preparing for the Ex Squared, I unfortunately did not get much interview experience about this company. So hope this will help you, Unfortunately, I could not clear the first round but hope this helps you....