
Consider a scenario where we are developing a GraphQL API for managing tasks. We want to define a type for the status of a task, which can be either “To Do,” “In Progress,” or “Done.”

enum TaskStatus {

type Task {
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String!
status: TaskStatus!

Explanation: In this example, we’ve declared an enum type TaskStatus with three possible values: TODO, IN_PROGRESS, and DONE. The Task type includes a field status of type TaskStatus, indicating the status of the task.

Now, let’s query for a task and specify the desired status:

query {
task(id: "123") {

Enumeration Types in GraphQL Schema

In the area of GraphQL schema design, enumeration types play an important role in defining a structured set of values for specific fields. Enumerations serve as a means to restrict the possible options for a field, ensuring data consistency and clarity throughout an API. In this article, we will explore the concept of enumeration types in GraphQL with their importance through practical examples and use cases.

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Why Use Enum Types?

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Consider a scenario where we are developing a GraphQL API for managing tasks. We want to define a type for the status of a task, which can be either “To Do,” “In Progress,” or “Done.”...


Enumeration types in GraphQL offer a powerful way to define a fixed set of values for fields ensuring data integrity and clarity in API interactions. By using enumeration types developers can easily restrict the possible values that can be assigned to a field, making the API easier to understand and use. It enumeration types play a important role in enhancing the readability, predictability and maintainability of GraphQL APIs....