Example 1: Filtering Completed Tasks

We only want to retrieve users who have at least one completed task. We can achieve this using the $elemMatch projection operator:

db.users.find({ tasks: { $elemMatch: { completed: true } } })


"_id": ObjectId("60f9d7ac345b7c9df348a86e"),
"name": "Alice",
"tasks": [
{ "title": "Task 1", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 2", "completed": false },
{ "title": "Task 3", "completed": true }
"_id": ObjectId("60f9d7ac345b7c9df348a86f"),
"name": "Bob",
"tasks": [
{ "title": "Task 1", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 2", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 3", "completed": false }
"_id": ObjectId("60f9d7ac345b7c9df348a871"),
"name": "David",
"tasks": [
{ "title": "Task 1", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 2", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 3", "completed": true },
{ "title": "Task 4", "completed": false }

This query will return documents where at least one task within the “tasks” array has the “completed” field set to true.

How to Filter Array in Subdocument with MongoDB?

In MongoDB, working with arrays within subdocuments is a common requirement in many applications. Filtering and manipulating arrays efficiently can significantly enhance the flexibility and enhance our queries.

In this article, we’ll explore how to filter arrays within subdocuments in MongoDB by covering essential concepts and providing detailed examples with outputs to understand these techniques effectively.

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Overall, Filtering arrays within subdocuments in MongoDB opens up a wide range of possibilities for querying and manipulating complex data structures. By understanding the array filtering operators and methods provided by MongoDB, developers can create efficient and powerful queries tailored to their specific use cases. In this article, we explored how to filter arrays within subdocuments using practical examples and outputs to illustrate these concepts clearly for beginners. As you continue to work with MongoDB, consider the structure of your data and leverage array filtering techniques to build robust and flexible database queries....