Example 2: Sum of Even Numbers

Suppose we got a vector numbers containing a chain of numbers, and also you need to calculate the sum of even numbers inside that vector:


# Create a vector of numbers
numbers <- 1:10
# Initialize a sum variable
even_sum <- 0
# Use a for loop to calculate the sum of even numbers
for (num in numbers) {
  if (num %% 2 == 0) {  # Check if the number is even
    even_sum <- even_sum + num
# Display the result
cat("The sum of even numbers in the vector is:", even_sum)


The sum of even numbers in the vector is: 30

In this example, we use an if statement inside the for loop to test if each variety is even (divisible by using 2) before adding it to the even_sum variable.

Sum of Vector Elements using a for Loop

R is a powerful programming language and surroundings used for facts analysis, statistical computing, and statistics visualization. One common assignment in facts analysis is calculating the sum of factors in a vector. A vector is a fundamental information structure in R Programming Language that shops a collection of values of the equal facts type. we might need to calculate the sum of factors in a vector for diverse reasons, such as finding the whole sales of a product, calculating the common rating of college students, or summarizing records for similar evaluation.

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