Example 2: Using Multiple images.

In the first example we made MDSwiper by using one MDSwiperItem with a single image file. Now we will be using different images for every MDSwiperItem.

All the steps and parameters will remain same as used in first example. We just need to change kv language syntax for this example.

In step 3 of First example we defined MDSwiperItem in the beginning of kv language and stored it in Swiper but in this case we will not be doing the same. We will be passing different image files to MDSwiperItem in last.



# importing packages
from kivymd.app import MDApp
from kivy.lang.builder import Builder
from kivy.core.window import Window
# adjusting window size
Window.size = (800, 700)
# writing kv language
kv = '''
# creating screen 
    # defining MDSwiper 
        # defining items for swiper
                radius: [20,0]
        # defining items for swiper
                radius: [20,0]
         # defining items for swiper
                radius: [20,0]
# app class
class Main(MDApp):
    def build(self):
        # this will load kv language
        screen = Builder.load_string(kv)
        # returning screen
        return screen
# running app



Build An Image Swiper App For KivyMD in Python

In this article, we are going to see how to create the Swiper using KivyMD in Python.

KivyMD is a collection of Material Design compliant widgets which can be used with Kivy. It is a GUI framework for mobile applications. It is similar to kivy adding more attractive GUI.

MDSwiper is the touch slider for media files. It is mostly used to swipe images and videos in mobile applications.


In this article, we are going to make a simple swiper using the Python library KivyMD. We will be going to understand how to create swiper using KivyMD by two examples. In the first example we are going to create a simple swiper using one image in which we can swipe that image right or left using our mouse cursor. In the second example we are going to use more than one images in which we can swipe from one image to another with the help of mouse cursor.

Media files used:





To install the modules type the below command in the command prompt.

pip install kivy

pip install kivymd

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Example 1:Using a single image.

Step 1: Import required packages....

Example 2: Using Multiple images.
