Example Explaining the Conversion

Let’s consider an example to demonstrate the conversion of infix expression to postfix expression using stack.

Infix expression: 3 * 5 + ( 7 – 3 )



Character Element


Output (Postfix Expression)

The Operation Performed on the Stack








push ‘*’




3 5



* +

3 5 *

pop ‘*’

push ‘+’



+ (

3 5 *

push ‘(‘



+ (

3 5 * 7


+ ( –

3 5 * 7

push ‘-‘



3 5 * 7 – +

pop ‘-‘

pop ‘+’

The output of the Infix expression 3 * 5 + ( 7 – 3 ) is 3 5 * 7 – +


Input: 3 * 5 + ( 7 – 3 )

Output: 3 5 * 7 – +

Let’s implement the above procedure using Java:


// Java Program to Convert Infix
// expression to Postfix expression
import java.util.*;
// Driver Class
public class InfixPostfixConversion {
    // lets define a method for conversion of infix
    // expression to postfix expression
    public static String infixToPostfix(String infix)
        // The output will be represented as postfix
        StringBuilder postfix = new StringBuilder();
        // Initialize the stack to
        // store the operators
        Stack<Character> stk = new Stack<>(); 
        for (char c : infix.toCharArray()) {
            // if the encountered character is an operand
            // add it to the output i.e postfix
            if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) {
                // if the encountered character is '(' push
                // it to the stack(stk)
            else if (c == '(') {
                // if the encountered character is ')' pop
                // the stack(stk) until '(' is encountered
            else if (c == ')') {
                while (!stk.isEmpty()
                       && stk.peek() != '(') {
                stk.pop(); // discard '(' by popping it from
                           // the stack
            else {
                // if the encountered character is not
                // parenthesis or operand, then check the
                // precendence of the operator and pop the
                // stack and add it to the output
                // until the top of the stack has lower
                // precedence than the current character
                while (!stk.isEmpty()
                       && precedence(stk.peek())
                              >= precedence(c)) {
                stk.push(c); // push the current operator to
                             // the stack
        // After traversing the entire string, check whether
        // the stack is empty or not, if the stack is not
        // empty, pop the stack and add it to the output*/
        while (!stk.isEmpty()) {
        return postfix.toString();
    // define a method to check the precedence of the
    // operator
    public static int precedence(char operator)
        switch (operator) {
        case '+':
        case '-':
            return 1;
        case '*':
        case '/':
            return 2;
            return 0;
    // main function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Enter a Infix expression:");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        String infix = sc.next();
        String postfix = infixToPostfix(infix);
        System.out.println("Postfix Expression: \n"
                           + postfix);


Enter a Infix expression: 3*5+(7-3)
Postfix Expression: 35*73-+

Complexity of the Above Method:

Time complexity: O(n) to traverse the entire string at least once.
Space complexity: O(n) for using stack space.

Java Program to Convert Infix Expression to Postfix expression

In this article let us discuss how to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression using Java.


1. Infix expression: Infix expressions are expressions where an operator is in between two operators. It is the generic way to represent an expression or relationship between the operators and operands mathematically. Example: 3 * 5, a + b

2. Postfix expression: Postfix expressions are expressions where an operator is placed after all of its operands. Example: 3 5 *, a b +

3. Required Data structures:

Stack: Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out principle. we are going to use a Stack data structure for the conversion of infix expression to postfix expression. To know more about the Stack data structure refer to this article – Stack Data Structure.

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