Example of CRC cards

Let’s understand CRC Cards using example of banking system.

1. Class: Account


  • Store account holder information (name, address, contact details).
  • Maintain account balance.
  • Perform transactions (deposit, withdrawal).
  • Generate account statements.


  • Collaborates with Transaction class for performing deposit and withdrawal operations.
  • Collaborates with Statement class to generate account statements.

2. Class: Transaction


  • Record transaction details (date, type, amount).
  • Update account balance based on deposit or withdrawal operations.


  • Collaborates with Account class to perform deposit and withdrawal operations.

3. Class: Statement


  • Generate account statements for a specified period.
  • Include transaction details (date, type, amount) in the statement.


  • Collaborates with Account class to access transaction data for generating statements.

In this example:

  • The Account class represents bank accounts and is responsible for storing account holder information, maintaining balances, performing transactions, and generating statements.
  • The Transaction class handles individual transactions and records transaction details such as date, type, and amount. It collaborates with the Account class to update account balances.
  • The Statement class is responsible for generating account statements for a specified period. It collaborates with the Account class to access transaction data for generating statements.

These CRC cards provide a structured overview of the responsibilities and collaborations of each class in the banking system, helping to clarify the system’s design and functionality.

Class-Responsibility-Collaboration Card

A Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) card is a structured tool used in object-oriented software design. It captures essential information about a class, including its name, responsibilities, and collaborations with other classes. CRC cards facilitate collaborative discussions among team members and help in refining the design of software systems. Overall, they serve as valuable aids in the iterative process of designing and refining software solutions.

Important Topics for Class-Responsibility-Collaboration Card

  • What are CRC cards?
  • Purpose of CRC cards in software design
  • Components of CRC Cards
  • Benefits of Using CRC Cards
  • How to Create CRC Cards?
  • Example of CRC cards
  • Guidelines and Best Practices for CRC Cards
  • Applications and Use Cases of CRC Cards
  • Online CRC Card Generators and Templates
  • Integration with Software Development Environments

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