Example of Domain Class in UML

Imagine you’re building a software system for a library. In this system, you might have a domain class called Book to represent the concept of a book in the library.

The Book class would have attributes that describe a book, such as title, author, ISBN, and publicationYear. It would also have behaviors or operations that a book can perform, such as checkout(), return(), and renew().

Here’s how you might represent the Book class in a UML class diagram:

In this example, Book is a domain class that represents the concept of a book in the library. It has attributes that describe a book and operations that a book can perform. The class diagram provides a visual representation of the Book class and its structure.

What is Domain Class in UML?

In UML (Unified Modeling Language), a domain class represents a concept or entity from the problem domain being modeled. It typically corresponds to a class in object-oriented programming and represents a real-world entity, such as a person, place, thing, or concept, that has attributes and behaviors.

  • Domain classes are used to model the structure and behavior of objects in a system. They define the properties (attributes) that objects of the class possess and the operations (methods) that they can perform.
  • Domain classes are often used to represent the core concepts and relationships in a system, providing a foundation for designing and implementing the system’s functionality.

In UML diagrams, domain classes are typically represented using class diagrams, which show the class name at the top, followed by its attributes and operations. Associations between classes can also be shown to represent relationships between entities in the problem domain.

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