Example of Finding the Maximum Value Among Multiple Columns in SQLite

Let’s now use the concepts we have learned in this article in a technical example.

First, let’s create the table and insert some data inside it. The following query creates a sales table and inserts three records in it.


-- create
product_name VARCHAR(20),
jan INT,
feb INT,
mar INT

-- insert
INSERT INTO SALES VALUES ('Book', 123, 89, 22);
INSERT INTO SALES VALUES ('Pen', 99, 12, 51);
INSERT INTO SALES VALUES ('Sharpner', 82, 47, 90);

The above table contains the information about different products and the number of units sold in January, February, and March. So, the record (‘Book’, 123, 89, 22) states that 123 units, 89 units, and 22 units of the book was sold in January, February, and March respectively.

The following query returns the initial data in the table:




Explanation: Now our table SALES has been created.

Now we will find out the maximum unit of a product sold in three months for all the products in the table. To solve this we will use the MAX() function. As already mentioned, we can use MAX() function to find maximum value from more than 2 values. The following query makes use of MAX() function to find the maximum units sold for each product.


MAX(jan, feb, mar) AS max_sales



Explanation: As we can see that books were sold maximum number of 123 units, pens were sold maximum number of 99 units, and sharpeners were sold maximum number of 90 units.

How to Find the Maximum of Multiple Columns in SQLite?

SQLite is a serverless architecture that does not require any server to perform operations and queries. It is widely used in embedded systems, mobile applications, and smallscale web applications because of its simplicity, efficiency, and portability. SQLite supports most of the standard SQL features and is highly reliable and efficient for managing small to medium-sized databases. In this article, we will learn about How to find the maximum of multiple columns in SQLite using various methods and implementation of examples and so on.

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