Example of Sensible Heat

Examples, where the concept of Sensible Heat is observed, are:

  • The most common example we have seen of sensible heat is when we get out of our house in the summer, or, we can say, on a hot sunny day, we feel something different from the winter or a cold day. This is because of the change in temperature in the surrounding area.
  • When we go camping and do bonfires, we observe the sensation of heat when we get close to the bonfire, which is sensible heat. This is because of the change in the temperature of items.
  • When we boil normal water in a pan by using a gas stove, we light the fire first, and then the process starts as the fire continues to heat the water pan and the water’s temperature starts to increase. Sensible heat is what causes the water’s temperature to change (from room temperature to boiling point).

Sensible Heat Formula

The perceptible heat is referred to as “sensible heat.” The energy that moves from one system to another alters the temperature instead of changing its phase. Instead of melting ice, for instance, it warms the water. In other words, it’s the heat you experience when you’re over a fire or outside on a hot day. Sensible heat is contrasted with latent heat since the two are fundamentally dissimilar (the heat required to shift from one form of matter to another without changing temperature).
Condensation occurs in a cooling system when latent heat is released and the refrigerant (cooling liquid) changes temperature as a result of sensible heat. While the latent heat capacity is used to explain the ability to remove moisture from the air, the sensible heat capacity is used to explain the ability to lower the temperature.

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