Example of static_cast

Below is the C++ program to implement static_cast:


// C++ Program to demonstrate
// static_cast
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main()
    float f = 3.5;
    // Implicit type case
    // float to int
    int a = f;
    cout << "The Value of a: " << a;
    // using static_cast for float to int
    int b = static_cast<int>(f);
    cout << "\nThe Value of b: " << b;


The Value of a: 3
The Value of b: 3

static_cast in C++

A Cast operator is a unary operator which forces one data type to be converted into another data type.

C++ supports 4 types of casting:

This article focuses on discussing the static_cast in detail.

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Static Cast

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Example of static_cast

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