Examples of “should”

  • You should eat more vegetables
  • She should be here by now
  • We should help our neighbors in need
  • It should rain later today
  • You should try this restaurant
  • I should study hard for tomorrow’s exam

Should vs Ought to | Difference Between Should and Ought to

“Should” and “ought” are modal verbs used in the English language to indicate advice, obligation, or necessity. They have similar meanings but are used in slightly different ways.

Should vs Ought to

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Meaning of “should”

“Should” is a modal verb used to indicate advice, recommendation, or expectation. It can also be used to express obligation or necessity....

Meaning of “ought”

“Ought” is a modal verb used to indicate obligation, duty, or moral requirement. It is also used in combination with “to” or “not to”....

Differences between “should” and “ought”

Should Ought Used to indicate advice, recommendation, or expectation Used to indicate obligation, duty, or moral requirement Used with varying degrees of obligation and necessity Used with a sense of moral obligation Can be used to express obligation or duty Used exclusively to express obligation or duty Used with verbs in the infinitive form Used with verbs in the infinitive form Used to make suggestions or give advice Used to express a moral imperative Can express regret or disappointment Can express regret or disappointment Can be used to express probability or expectation Can be used to express expectation Used in formal and informal situations Used more in formal situations Used to express the personal opinion Used to express a moral obligation Mostly used to express hypothetical situations Rarely used to express hypothetical situations Used in positive and negative contexts Used only in negative contexts Used to express past actions Cannot be used to express past actions Used to express a lesser degree of obligation or necessity Used to express a strong sense of obligation or necessity...

Usage of “should”

Used to give advice. Used to express an expectation. Used to express obligation or duty. Used to express probability. Used to make a suggestion. Used to express regret or disappointment....

Examples of “should”

You should eat more vegetables She should be here by now We should help our neighbors in need It should rain later today You should try this restaurant I should study hard for tomorrow’s exam...

Usage of “ought”

Used to indicate obligation or duty. Used to express a moral requirement. Used to express expectation. Used to make a suggestion. Used to express regret or disappointment. Used to express a strong likelihood....

Examples of “ought”

She ought to apologize for what she said We ought to help those less fortunate He ought to know better than to arrive late You ought to see that movie I ought to have studied more before the exam She ought to be home by now...


“Should” and “ought” are modal verbs used to indicate advice, obligation, or necessity. While they have similar meanings, they can be used in different contexts. Understanding the differences between the two can help you communicate more effectively in English....

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Is it possible to use “should” and “ought to” in the past tense?...