Examples of Besides

  • Loves pizza besides pasta.
  • Cold besides rainy today.
  • Reads books besides watching TV.
  • Has a dog besides a cat.
  • Besides working, goes to school.
  • Besides the gym, enjoys hiking.
  • Drinks coffee besides tea.

Beside vs Besides | Difference Between Beside and Besides

Beside and Besides are two words that are often confused due to their similar spelling and pronunciation. However, they have different meanings and usage in the English language.

Difference Between Beside and Besides

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Meaning of Beside

Beside is a preposition that means next to or alongside. It indicates a physical proximity or position of one thing to another....

Meaning of Besides

Besides is an adverb that means in addition to or apart from. It indicates an additional or alternative factor or reason....

Differences between Beside and Besides

Beside Besides Preposition Adverb Indicates physical proximity or position Indicates an additional or alternative factor or reason Describes position of people or objects in relation to each other  Provides more information or emphasizes a particular aspect Answers the question “Where?”  Answers the question “What else?” Used with nouns or pronouns Used with verbs, phrases, or clauses Refers to something specific Refers to something general Indicates a physical relationship Indicates a conceptual relationship Indicates a location or position Indicates an idea or concept Used to show comparison Used to introduce an additional point Can be replaced with “next to” or “alongside” Can be replaced with “in addition to” or “apart from” Used to describe physical objects Used to describe abstract concepts Indicates something immediate or tangible Indicates something remote or intangible Describes a physical relationship or closeness Describes a non-physical relationship or closeness Indicates a direct connection or involvement  Indicates a tangential or peripheral connection...

Usage of Beside

Used to indicate a physical location or position of one thing next to or alongside another.  Used to describe the position of people or objects in relation to each other. Used to show support or encouragement Used to create contrast between two things Used to show comparison...

Examples of Beside

Cat beside the window. Museum beside the park. The phone is beside the computer. Friends beside each other. River beside the highway. Tree beside the building. Dog beside bed...

Usage of Besides

Used to introduce an additional or alternative point or reason.  Used to provide more information or to emphasize a particular aspect of something. Used to indicate something that is separate or apart from something else Used to indicate something that is in addition to something else...

Examples of Besides

Loves pizza besides pasta. Cold besides rainy today. Reads books besides watching TV. Has a dog besides a cat. Besides working, goes to school. Besides the gym, enjoys hiking. Drinks coffee besides tea....


In conclusion, beside and besides are two words with different meanings and usage in the English language. Beside is a preposition used to indicate physical proximity or position, while besides is an adverb used to provide more information or emphasize a particular aspect....