Examples of Centripetal Force

  1. When a metal bob tied to one end of a string is whirled around a circle the tension in the string is centripetal force. If the hold at the Centre is released, the bob flies away tangentially.
  2. For the motion of the moon or a satellite around the earth, the gravitational force provides the centripetal force.
  3. We know that the electrons revolve around the nucleus in nearly circular orbits. The electrostatic force between the electrons and the nucleus provides the centripetal force.
  4. When a pendulum is pulled away from its equilibrium position and is pushed tangentially, it moves along a circle. The horizontal component of tension T provides the centripetal force.  
  5. For an Earth-satellite in a circular orbit, the centri- petal force is the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on the satellite.
  6. In the Bohr atom, the centripetal force on an elec- tron in circular orbit around the nucleus is the attractive Coulomb force of the nucleus.
  7. When an object tied at the end of a string is revolved in a horizontal circle, the centripetal force is the tension in the string.
  8. When a car takes a turn in a circular arc on a horizontal road with constant speed, the force of static friction between the car tyres and road surface is the centripetal force.

Centripetal Force Formula with Examples

Centripetal force is a force that operates on a body travelling in a circular direction and is directed towards the centre around which the body is moving. When an item moves at a constant speed around a circular route, it encounters an accelerating centripetal force towards the centre.

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Examples of Centripetal Force

When a metal bob tied to one end of a string is whirled around a circle the tension in the string is centripetal force. If the hold at the Centre is released, the bob flies away tangentially. For the motion of the moon or a satellite around the earth, the gravitational force provides the centripetal force. We know that the electrons revolve around the nucleus in nearly circular orbits. The electrostatic force between the electrons and the nucleus provides the centripetal force. When a pendulum is pulled away from its equilibrium position and is pushed tangentially, it moves along a circle. The horizontal component of tension T provides the centripetal force.   For an Earth-satellite in a circular orbit, the centri- petal force is the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on the satellite. In the Bohr atom, the centripetal force on an elec- tron in circular orbit around the nucleus is the attractive Coulomb force of the nucleus. When an object tied at the end of a string is revolved in a horizontal circle, the centripetal force is the tension in the string. When a car takes a turn in a circular arc on a horizontal road with constant speed, the force of static friction between the car tyres and road surface is the centripetal force....

Sample Problems

Problem 1: A van of 1,250 Kg is travelling at 50.0 m/s and covers a curve of the radius of 200 m. calculate the centripetal force....