Examples of Explicit vs Implicit Joins

To understand the Explicit vs implicit Joins in PostgreSQL we need 2 tables on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we have orders and customers where the orders table consists of order_id, customer_id, order_date, and total_amount. The customers consists of customer_id, customer_name and email as Columns.
After Inserting some data into the orders table, the table looks:

Orders table

After Inserting some data into the customers table, the table looks:

Customers Table

Exmaple 1: Explicit Inner Join

Consider orders and customers. To retrieve a list of orders along with their corresponding customer information, you can use an INNER JOIN as follows:

SELECT orders.*, customers.*
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;


Explicit Inner Join

Example 2 :Explicit Left Join

In situations where we want to retrieve all records from the left table (even if there are no matches in the right table), you can use a LEFT JOIN.

For instance, to fetch all orders and their corresponding customer information, including orders without associated customers, we can execute the following query.

SELECT orders.*, customers.*
FROM orders
LEFT JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;


Explicit Left Join

Example 3: Implicit Inner Join

Using the same example of orders and customers tables, an implicit inner join can be written as follows

SELECT orders.*, customers.*
FROM orders, customers
WHERE orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;


Implicit Left Join

Example 4: Implicit Left Join

Similarly, an implicit left join can be performed as shown below:

SELECT orders.*, customers.*
FROM orders, customers
WHERE orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id(+);


Implicit Left Join

Explicit vs Implicit Joins in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, joining tables is an important aspect of querying data from relational databases. PostgreSQL offers two primary methods for joining tables which are explicit joins and implicit joins. Each method serves a distinct purpose.

In this article, we will understand their differences along with the examples are essential for efficient database querying and data manipulation in PostgreSQL.

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Difference Between Explicit vs Implicit Joins in PostgreSQL

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In summary, explicit joins offer a more structured and readable approach to combining tables in PostgreSQL queries. They provide clarity regarding the relationship between tables and are preferred for maintainability and understanding....