Examples of Find objects between two dates MongoDB

To understand How to Find objects between two dates MongoDB we need a collection and some documents on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a collection called Customer which contains the information shown below:

{ c_id: 1, pur_item: "Butter", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-03-19") },
{ c_id: 2, pur_item: "Milk", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-03-26") },
{ c_id: 3, pur_item: "Bread", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-04-02") },
{ c_id: 4, pur_item: "Egg", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-04-11") },
{ c_id: 5, pur_item: "tooth_paste", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-04-20") },
{ c_id: 6, pur_item: "Hat", purchase_date: ISODate("2024-04-25") }

Example 1: Find the object within the 20th March and 10th April

purchase_date: {
$gte: new Date("2024-03-20"),
$lte: new Date("2024-04-10")


Find Objects between two dates in MongoDB


  • In the above example w3wiki database contains Customer collection.Customer collection contains 6 documents with c_id ,pur_item, purchase_date as the field.
  • We use greater than equal to and less than equal to operator to find the document within the range of 20th March and 10th April.As 2 document lies within the range hence they are returned.

Example 2: Find Objects between two dates in MongoDB using comparison operator

purchase_date: {
$gt: new Date("2024-04-11"),
$lte: new Date("2024-04-30")


Find Objects between two dates in MongoDB using comparison operator


  • In the above example w3wiki database contains Customer collection.Customer collection contains 3 documents with c_id ,pur_item, purchase_date as the field.
  • We use greater than and less than operator to find the document within the range of 11th April and 30th April.As 2 document lies within the range hence they are returned.

How to Find Objects Between Two Dates MongoDB

MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database and One common requirement in database operations is to query for objects within a certain date range. In MongoDB, this can be achieved using comparison operators along with the $and operator.

In this article, We will learn about How to Find objects between two dates MongoDB by understanding some operators as defined in the article with the help of examples and output in detail.

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$gte Operator in MongoDB: The $gte operator selects documents where the field value is greater than or equal to the specified value. $lte Operator in MongoDB: The $lte operator selects documents where the field value is less than or equal to the specified value $gt Operator in MongoDB:The $gt operator selects documents where the field value is greater than the specified value. $lt Operator in MongoDB: The $lt operator selects documents where the field value is less than the specified value....

Examples of Find objects between two dates MongoDB

To understand How to Find objects between two dates MongoDB we need a collection and some documents on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a collection called Customer which contains the information shown below:...


Overall, MongoDB offers powerful features for querying objects within a specific date range. By utilizing comparison operators such as $gte, $lte, $gt, and $lt, along with the $and operator, MongoDB allows for precise and efficient retrieval of documents based on date values. Through examples and detailed explanations, this article has demonstrated how to effectively query objects between two dates in MongoDB. Understanding these concepts and operators is crucial for developers working with date-sensitive data in MongoDB databases....