Examples of Less

  1. “I need less sugar in my coffee.”
  2. “There is less salt in this recipe.”
  3. “I drink less coffee than I used to.”

Fewer vs Less | Difference Between Fewer and Less

“Fewer” and “Less” are both adjectives used to compare quantities. Although they are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference in their meaning and usage.

Fewer vs Less

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Meaning of Fewer

Fewer is a comparative adjective that implies “not as many.” It can be used to signify a modest quantity of anything as a determiner, pronoun, or adjective. Fewer emphasizes number, i.e., the number of persons or items present. It focuses on distinctively quantified nouns or entities that are referred to in the plural....

Meaning of Less

Less is a quantifier that is commonly used to compare two entities. Less implies ‘not as much’ as a determiner and pronoun. If the word is employed as a determiner & pronoun in a sentence, then it denotes ‘not as much’, but when it is used as an adjective, it determines ‘something of smaller importance’. Additionally, less can be used as an adverb to denote something to a lesser degree or extent....

Tabular Differences between Fewer and Less

Fewer Less Refers to countable nouns. Refers to uncountable nouns. Used for smaller numbers or quantities. Used for smaller amounts or degrees Always used with plural nouns Used with both singular and plural nouns. Countable nouns and individual items.  Used with Uncountable nouns, collective nouns and bulk amounts. Comparative form of Few Comparative form of Little Can be used with “the” and superlatives Cannot be used with “the” and superlatives. Used when the quantity is discrete  Used when the quantity is continuous Examples: “fewer people,” “fewer apples” Examples: “less sugar,” “less water”...

Usage of Fewer

“Fewer” is used when referring to a plural noun, such as “fewer people” or “fewer cars.”...

Examples of Fewer

“I have fewer books than you do.” “There are fewer people in the room today than yesterday.” “I eat fewer vegetables than fruits.”...

Usage of Less

“Less” is used when referring to a singular or uncountable noun, such as “less sugar” or “less water.”...

Examples of Less

“I need less sugar in my coffee.” “There is less salt in this recipe.” “I drink less coffee than I used to.”...


In summary, “fewer” is used when referring to a smaller number of countable things, while “less” is used when referring to a smaller amount or degree of something that cannot be counted. Both adjectives are important in conveying precise meaning and should be used correctly to avoid confusion in communication....