Examples of Relational Operators in SQL Server

Let’s set up an Environment:

To understand Relational Operators in SQL Server we need a table on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a table called Persons which contains data as shown below:

Name NVARCHAR(50),
Department NVARCHAR(50),
Salary DECIMAL(10, 2),

INSERT INTO Persons(EmpID, Name, Department, Salary, Age)
(1, 'John Doe', 'Sales', 60000.00, 35),
(2, 'Jane Smith', 'Marketing', 45000.00, 28),
(3, 'Robert Johnson', 'HR', 55000.00, 42),
(4, 'Lisa Brown', 'Sales', 70000.00, 45),
(5, 'Michael Davis', 'IT', 65000.00, 30);
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
1 John Doe Sales 60000 35
2 Jane Smith Marketing 45000 28
3 Robert Johnson HR 55000 42
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45
5 Michael Davis IT 65000 30

Example 1: Equal to (=)

Select Persons whose department is ‘Sales’

-- Select Persons whose department is 'Sales'
WHERE Department = 'Sales';
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
1 John Doe Sales 60000 35
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45

Example 2: Not equal to (<>)

Select employees whose department is not ‘Sales’

-- Select Persons whose Salary is not equal to 100
WHERE Salary<> 45000;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
1 John Doe Sales 60000 35
3 Robert Johnson HR 55000 42
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45
5 Michael Davis IT 65000 30

Example 3: Greater than (>)

Select Persons whose Age is greater than 35

-- Select Person with a Age  greater than 35
WHERE Age> 35;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
3 Robert Johnson HR 55000 42
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45

Example 4: Less than (<)

Select Persons whose age is less than 35

-- Select Persons whose age is less than 30
WHERE Age < 35;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
2 Jane Smith Marketing 45000 28
5 Michael Davis IT 65000 30

Example 5: Greater than or equal to (>=)

Select Persons whose salary is greater than or equal to 60000

-- Select Persons whose salary is greater than or equal to 60000
WHERE salary >= 60000;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
1 John Doe Sales 60000 35
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45
5 Michael Davis IT 65000 30

Example 6: Less than or equal to (<=)

Select Persons whose Salary is less than or equal to 60000

-- Select products with a Salary less than or equal to 60000
WHERE Salary <= 60000;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
1 John Doe Sales 60000 35
2 Jane Smith Marketing 45000 28
3 Robert Johnson HR 55000 42

Example 7: Combining Relational Operators with Logical Operators

Relational operators can also be combined with logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create complex conditions in SQL queries:

-- Select products with a price between 50 and 100
WHERE PersonsID >= 2 AND PersonsID <= 4;
PersonsID Name Department Salary Age
2 Jane Smith Marketing 45000 28
3 Robert Johnson HR 55000 42
4 Lisa Brown Sales 70000 45

Relational Operators in SQL Server

In SQL Server, relational operators are used to compare values and establish relationships between data stored in tables. These operators allow us to perform logical comparisons to filter data based on specific conditions.

Understanding relational operators is fundamental for querying and manipulating data effectively in SQL Server. In this article, we’ll explore relational operators in SQL Server by covering concepts, examples in detail.

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