Examples of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Used in Sentences

Transitive Verbs:
i) The council members will raise funds for the new project.
ii) Danny gave the gift to his brother.
iii) The health instructor addressed the audience’s question.
iv) Can you bring your Science textbook to the group study?
v) Merry borrowed the fiction book from her friend because she forgot her copy.

• Intransitive Verbs:
i) My grandfather’s health deteriorated very rapidly.
ii) May I come here?
iii) Ahaan voted in the municipal election.
iv) Zakir laughed.
v) The employees concluded the meeting.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

A verb can be explained as transitive or intransitive based on the requirement of an object to express a complete thought. A transitive verb only makes sense if it exerts its action on an object. Whereas, an intransitive verb makes sense without one.

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Examples of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Used in Sentences

• Transitive Verbs:i) The council members will raise funds for the new project.ii) Danny gave the gift to his brother.iii) The health instructor addressed the audience’s question.iv) Can you bring your Science textbook to the group study?v) Merry borrowed the fiction book from her friend because she forgot her copy....

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