Examples of Weathering in India

It is challenging to pinpoint exact dates and times for individual weathering events because these are frequently gradual processes that take place over long periods. I can, however, provide some instances of weathering that occur in India, along with information about the type, location, and approximate duration of the weathering:

1. Char Dham rock formations in the Himalayas have been exfoliated:

  • Location: The Himalayas of Uttarakhand, specifically the areas surrounding Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri.
  • Physical weathering, or exfoliation, is one type of weathering.
  • Timeframe: An ongoing process that has probably accelerated in recent centuries as a result of more frequent temperature swings.
  • Large granite rock layers peel off as a result of cycles of heating and cooling, forming visually arresting valleys and rock formations.

2. Mahabalipuram’s Shore Temple is being weathered by salt:

  • Location: The coast of Tamil Nadu’s Mahabalipuram
  • Physical weathering, or salt weathering, is one type of weathering.
  • Timeframe: Still in progress since the temple’s building in the seventh and eighth centuries.
  • The sandstone structure of the temple erodes and weakens as a result of salts crystallising within its fractures and crevices.

3. Rock formations in the Western Ghats are hydrolyzed:

  • Location: Specifically in Kerala and Karnataka, the Western Ghats mountain range.
  • Chemical weathering, or hydrolysis, is one type of weathering.
  • Timeframe: Millions of years of continuous work.
  • Rainwater dissolves soluble minerals in rocks such as granite and gneiss, causing the formation of soil and rounded rock formations.

What is weathering? Types, Process, Examples

Weathering is a natural process that breaks down and changes the rock, mineral, and soil on or near the surface of the Earth. It plays a critical role in the formation of landforms over long periods. Weathering is primarily caused by the environment. It is a precursor to erosion and forms a variety of landforms.

In this article, We have Covered Weathering in Detail.

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What is Weathering?

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