Examples on Measuring Volumes of Solids

Example 1: Find the volume of cube with side 5 units.


Volume of cube is given by:

Volume of Cube = a3

= 53

Volume of Cube = 125 cubic units.

Example 2: Find the volume of the cuboid with its length, breadth, height is 12 units, 10 units and 8 units respectively.


Volume of cuboid is given by:

Volume of Cuboid = l.b.h

= 12 × 10 × 8

Volume of Cuboid = 960 cubic units.

Example 3: Find the volume of the cone with height 10 units and radius 4 units.


Volume of cone is given by:

Volume of Cone = (1/3) πr2h

= (1/3) π42 × 10

= (1/3) π× 16 × 10

Volume of Cone = 167.55 cubic units

Example 4: Find the volume of cylinder with height 15 units and radius 2 units.


Volume of cylinder is given by:

Volume of Cylinder = πr2h

= π22 (15)

= π × 4 × 15

Volume of Cylinder = 60π cubic units

Example 5: Find the volume of sphere with radius 7 units.


Volume of sphere is given by:

Volume of Sphere = (4/3) π r3

= (4/3) π 73

= (4/3) π × 343

Volume of Sphere = 1436.75 cubic units

Example 6: Find the volume of hemisphere with radius 3 units.


Volume of hemisphere is given by:

Volume of Hemisphere = (2/3) π r3

= (2/3) π 33

= 2π × 9

Volume of Hemisphere = 18π cubic units

Example 7: Find the volume of triangular prism with the area of base 12 sq. units and height of prism is 12 units.


Volume of triangular prism is given by:

Volume of Triangular Prism = Area of Base × Height of Prism

= 12 × 12

Volume of Triangular Prism = 144 cubic units

Example 8: Find the volume of composite solid made up of two solids cylinder and cone. The volume of cylinder is 30 cubic units and volume of cone is 22 cubic units.


Volume of composite solid is given by:

Volume of Composite Solid = Sum of Volumes of Solids Involved


Volume of Composite Solid = Volume of Cylinder + Volume of Cone

= 30 + 22

Volume of Composite Solid = 52 cubic units

Measuring Volume of Solids

Measuring the volumes of solids is done using the volume formulas for the different solids. Volume of a solid is defined as the space occupied by the solid and is calculated using various formulas.

In this article, we will explore the measuring of solids in depth along with the basic information of volumes. We will also solve some examples related to measuring the volume of solids. Let’s start our learning on the topic “Measuring Volume of Solids”.

Table of Content

  • Measuring Volume of Different Solids
  • Volume of Cube
  • Volume of Cuboid
  • Volume of Cylinder
  • Volume of Cone
  • Volume of Sphere
  • Volume of Hemisphere
  • Volume of Triangular Prism
  • Volume of Pyramid
  • Volume of Composite Solids
  • Table for Volume of Solids Formula

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