Excel File Formats

Excel Workbook

Extension: .xlsx

Spreadsheet files were created using Excel version 2007 and later have this extension. Currently, the default file extension for Excel files is XLSX. XML is the foundation of the file format XSLX. With the aid of this technology, XSLX files are significantly lighter and smaller than XLS files, which immediately results in space savings. Excel documents may be downloaded or uploaded more quickly. The only drawback of this XSLX extension is that it cannot open files created before Excel 2007.

Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook

Extension: .xlsm

With Excel 2007 and later, including Excel macros, the spreadsheet produces files with this suffix. It’s simple to deduce that a file contains a macro with the aid of an extension. This version was created for security purposes to prevent computer viruses, harmful macros, infecting machines, etc. from accessing a file. When it comes to security and macros, this file extension is quite dependable.

Excel Binary Workbook

Extension: .xlsb

When it comes to compressing, storing, opening, etc., this file extension type completely supports excel files that include a lot of data or information. It takes a lot of time to open and process an excel file with a lot of data. It occasionally hangs while opening and regularly crashes.


Extension: .xltx

A template made by the spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel, part of the Microsoft Office family, is known as an XLTX file. It has predetermined layout options that may be used to produce several Excel spreadsheets (typically.XLSX files) with the same formatting and characteristics. XLTX files that give you a head start when making spreadsheets like bills, calendars, and budget plans. Additionally, you may make unique templates using your spreadsheets.

Template (code)

Extension: .xltm

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template with macro support is known as an XLTM file. It may also keep settings, spreadsheet data, and information about the layout in addition to one or more macros. When looking to generate several spreadsheets (primarily. XLSM) with the same data and style, Excel users save spreadsheets as XLTM files.
XLTX files and XLTM files are related. XLTM files, on the other hand, enable macros, which are collections of instructions that a user has organized so they may swiftly carry out a time-consuming or difficult operation, including formatting a document, inputting data, or conducting computations.

Excel Add-In

Extension: .xlam

The spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel, part of the Microsoft Office family, uses XLAM files, and add-ins that support macros. It is used in Excel to add new features and instructions. While some XLAM files are produced by Microsoft, others are produced by Excel users and third-party developers. Microsoft Excel users can add more features since different users use the program for various, specialized purposes. Users must install an XLAM file-based Excel add-in to add this functionality.

XML Spreadsheet 2003

Extension: .xml

A plain text document is an XML file, and to distinguish them, they are saved with the.xml file extension. The XML file format was created to convey data over the internet and can hold hundreds of entries in the computation. Either humans or machines can read it.. The majority of programming languages make use of XML libraries to do the parsing. Down-converting is the process of converting XML files to other required forms.

XML Data

Extension: .xml

Other description languages like RSS, DOCX format, XSL, and Microsoft don’t employ XML as a format. The text editor notepad++ can open this XML file natively. We need to have a few interactions with the various file organizations to manage the different file formats. The only organization that is required for data and web pages is XML. Next, you could double-click the browser—the file’s default viewer—on occasion to examine a file.

Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook

Extension: .xls

A spreadsheet file, known as an XLS file, can be produced by Microsoft Excel or exported by another spreadsheet application, like OpenOffice Calc or Apple Numbers. It includes one or more worksheets that store and present data as tables. The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLS) binary format was introduced together with the initial 1987 version of Excel. Up to the introduction of Excel 2007, XLS files became one of the most used file formats for preserving spreadsheets. Microsoft replaced XLS files with the Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX) format with this version. Excel spreadsheets are often saved in XLSX files.

Excel 4.0 Workbook

Extension: .xlw

Workspace files, which are saved in the well-known spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel, have the .xlw file extension. Workbook file references and screen locations are stored in files with the .xlw extension. When .xlw files are opened, the program can move them back to the spot on the screen where they were stored. .xlw files are essential for restoring layouts when a user is working on many workbooks at once. .xlw files only refer to workbook layouts on the screen, therefore they should not be mistaken for files that contain workbook data. These files are primarily utilized by Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2011, and users need to have all workbook files to correctly reopen these files.

Works 6.0-9.0 spreadsheet

Extension: .xlr

The file format specifications for XLR files were not made publicly available and were instead kept as binary files. Developers are consequently unable to examine the file system and create programs that read from and write to these files programmatically. The Works Spreadsheet saves data to.xlr files using the same Excel file format.

File Formats in MS Excel

Microsoft created and released the spreadsheet program known as Excel. It comes from the Microsoft Office family of productivity programs. Excel groups data into columns and rows as opposed to a word processor like Microsoft Word. A cell is a location where rows and columns cross. Data, such as text, a number, or a formula, are contained in each cell. They might not be able to display every feature of a file, programs that are compatible with a file format can present an overview of a file. When we want to save our files, we will have numerous file formats including Excel workbooks, templates, etc. These file formats are divided into various types, including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint presentations.

File formats in Excel are of various types, but to determine how many formats exist in Excel, we must follow the procedure outlined below: 

Step 1: Click on the file option at the top of the ribbon.


Step 2: Select the Save As option. The Workbook can be saved on local devices (like a computer) and the internet (e.g. OneDrive).


Step 3: Click on the option Browse and save as the dialog box opens. 


Step 4: Choose the Save As option and you will see a list of file formats. Depending on the type of active Worksheet in your Workbook, several file types will be displayed (Data Worksheet, Chart Worksheet, or another type of Worksheet).


Step 5: Select the desired file format by clicking.

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