Excel Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is Excel used for?

Excel is a spreadsheet program used for data organization, analysis, and visualization. It provides many features such as:

  • Performing Complex Calculations with the help of buil-in functions such as COUNTIF, SUM etc.
  • Creating charts
  • Creating Graphs for Data Visualisation and more.

2. Explain the difference between a workbook and a worksheet.

  • A workbook is a spreadsheet program file that you create in Excel. A workbook contains one or more worksheets.
  • A worksheet consists of cells in which you can enter and calculate data. The cells are organized into columns and rows.

3. How do you navigate between worksheets in a workbook?

Use sheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel window.

MS Excel

4. How do you reference a cell in a formula?

Use the cell address in the formula (for example, A1).

5. Explain the difference between relative and absolute cell references?

When a formula is copied, relative references change, while absolute references remain constant.

For example, $A$1 is an absolute cell reference as it will not change if we move from one cell to another. However, relative cell reference is by default used by Excel and the cell reference will change if we move from one cell to another.

6. What is the order of operations in Excel formulas?

The order of operations in Excel formulas is

  1. Parentheses
  2. Exponents
  3. Multiplication and Division (left to right)
  4. Addition and Subtraction (left to right).

7. How do you create a chart in Excel?

Select data you want to include, go to the “Insert” tab, and choose a chart type.

MS Excel Toolbar

8. What is conditional formatting, and how do you apply it?

It’s formatting applied based on specified conditions. To apply conditional formatting, select a category, go to “Home” > “Conditional Formatting.”

MS Excel Toolbar

9. Explain the VLOOKUP function.

VLOOKUP is a function in Excel that searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a value from the second column in the same row.

10. What is a cell in Excel?

A cell is the intersection of a column and a row, identified by a unique address (for example, A1).

Top MS Excel Interview Questions And Answers

Microsoft Excel, a popular spreadsheet program from Microsoft is extremely important for businesses, analysts, and professionals in many industries. It helps manage, analyze, and show data, making Excel skills very valuable making it favoured by top companies like JPMorgan Chase, KPMG, Deloitte, and PwC for its simplicity and powerful features.

In this article, we will look at the 50+ Excel Questions And Answers perfect for both Freshers and experienced professionals. These interview questions are also helpful for individuals who are preparing for roles such as data analysts, business analysts, and accountants. These Excel Interview Questions cover everything about Excel 365, from the basics to advanced formulas, VBA, macros, and more.

Table of Content

  • Excel Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
  • Intermediate Level Excel Interview Questions
  • Advanced Level Excel Interview Questions

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