Explicit Referencing

In this approach, we can explicitly reference the outer variable within the nested scope by using this or the outer scope’s object name. This ensures clarity and prevents unintended shadowing.


let outerScope = {
outerVariable: 10

function exampleFunction() {
let outerVariable = 20

Example: Understanding Variable Scope: Accessing Outer Variables in JavaScript Functions.

let outerScope = {
    outerVariable: 10

function exampleFunction() {
    let outerVariable = 20

// Output: 10


Shadowing Properties in JavaScript

Shadowing properties in JavaScript refer to the scenario where a variable declared within a nested scope has the same name as a variable in its outer scope. This can lead to confusion and unexpected behaviour, as the inner variable may “shadow” the outer one, effectively hiding it from the outer scope.

Table of Content

  • Avoidance
  • Naming Convention
  • Explicit Referencing

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This approach involves avoiding the use of the same variable name in nested scopes to prevent shadowing. It’s a straightforward method but might not always be feasible, especially in complex code bases....

Naming Convention

Another approach is to use a naming convention to differentiate variables with similar names in different scopes. This could involve prefixing or suffixing variable names to indicate their scope, making it easier to distinguish between them....

Explicit Referencing

In this approach, we can explicitly reference the outer variable within the nested scope by using this or the outer scope’s object name. This ensures clarity and prevents unintended shadowing....